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4 revisions
heatheralr at Dec 09, 2023 06:05 PM

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Release Int. British SAWYER, Daivd Jesse Juno -- 2nd Canada Armoured Brig. 79th Armoured Box 22, #46 1st Canadian 79th Armoured [inserted]x TANK MUST[end of inserted] 0800 Bernieres Sur Mer Tank exploded about 20 mines with its chains Hit by high explosives. White enamel inside tank chipped off Bailed out of tank after 1 explosion joined up with Canad. Inf. Saw man & women crying over dead cow French Canadian strung up a woman snipe from a telephone pole

Release Int. British
SAWYER, Daivd Jesse Juno -- 2nd Canada
Armoured Brig.
79th Armoured
Box 22, #46

1st Canadian
79th Armoured
[inserted]x TANK MUST[end of inserted]
Bernieres Sur Mer
Tank exploded about 20 mines with its chains
Hit by high explosives. White enamel
inside tank chipped off
Bailed out of tank after 1 explosion
joined up with Canad. Inf.
Saw man & women crying over dead cow
French Canadian strung up a
woman snipe from a telephone pole

Page 1

Released Int. British SAWYER, David Jesse Juno -- 2nd Canada Armoured Brig. 79th Armoured Box 22, #46 1st Canadian 79th Armoured [inserted]x TANK MUST[end of inserted] 0800 Bernienes Sur Mer Tank exploded about 20 mines with its chains Hit by high explosives. White enamel inside tank chipped off Bailed out of tank after / explosion joined up with Canad. Inf. Saw man & women crying over dead cow French Canadian strung up a woman snipe from a telephone pole

Released Int. British
SAWYER, David Jesse Juno -- 2nd Canada
Armoured Brig.
79th Armoured
Box 22, #46

1st Canadian
79th Armoured
[inserted]x TANK MUST[end of inserted]
Bernienes Sur Mer
Tank exploded about 20 mines with its chains
Hit by high explosives. White enamel
inside tank chipped off
Bailed out of tank after / explosion
joined up with Canad. Inf.
Saw man & women crying over dead cow
French Canadian strung up a
woman snipe from a telephone pole