Board of Trustees minutes, Ohio University, v. 04, 1845-1861



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51 Annual Meeting, Tuesday, August 2, 1853 Afternoon session. Present as in the morning, with the addition of Rev. Amos Miller, V.B. Horton Esq. and Hon. Robert Wright. The Committee to whom was referred the letter of resignation of Prof. A. Williams reported the following Resolutions which on motion, were adopted. Resolved, that the resignation of Professor A. Williams be accepted. Resolved, that in accepting said resignation we regret to lose his valuable services to the Institution, and cordially commend him to his new field of labor, with a sincere desire that he may long continue to be a successful public Instructor. Resolved, that the secretary furnish Professor Williams with Resolutions a copy of the foregoing ^ under the Seal of the University. The Committee to whom was referred the Report of the Committee appointed at last session to fill vacancies in the Faculty, reported that they had examined said Report and were well satisfied that the Commmittee had faithfully discharged of their duty, and recommended to the Board to sanction the action of the Committee and that the Board proceed immediately to the election of a President for the University, and to fill the chair of Natural Sciences - which was concurred in. The Report referred to is as follows. "To the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University, The Commmittee appointed by the Board of Trustees at its last annual meeting to fill vacancies during the recess report. That after the adjournment of the Board Doct. Tomlinson declined to accept the Office of President; and thereupon your Committee tendered said office to Doct. Solomon Howard, who accepted said appointment and entered upon the duties of said office, and during the year which just closed, Doct. Howard has discharged the responsible duties which have been imposed upon him with honor to himself and to the entire satisfaction of the Committee. And your Committee further report, that by the appointment of Doct. Howard to the Presidency of the University, the Chair of Natural Science became vacant and said Committee appointed Rev. J.G. Blair to fill said vacancy which appointment he accepted and during the year he has discharged the duties of said department with zeal and ability and the Committee recommmend Doct. Howard and Rev. J.G. Blair with pleasure to the favorable consideration of the Board. Leonidas Jewett} J.M. Dana} Committee" M.Z. Kreider}

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52 Annual Meeting. Tuesday, August 2, 1853. The Board then proceeded to the election of President, by ballot, when on counting the votes it appeared, that Rev. Solomon Howard D.D. was unanimously elected President of the Ohio University; who being present, signified his acceptance of said office. The Board then proceeded in like manner to the election of Professor of Natural Science, when on counting the votes, it appeared that Rev. J.G. Blair was unanimously elected, who being waited upon by a Committee, signfied his acceptance of the appointment. On motion, it was resolved that the future Salary of the Professor of Language be placed on an equality with the other Professorships at (7) hundred dollars per annum. ($700.00) The Board then proceeded to the election of a Proessor of Languages to fill the vacancy of Professor Willaims resigned, when on counting the votes it appeared that Rev. Edwrd. E.E. Bragdon of the State of New York was unanimously elected to that office. On motion, Rev. J.G. Blair was then chosen Vice President. On motion, Messrs. Dana and Jewett were appointed a Committee to make arrangements for the inauguration of the President and Professor of Natural Sciences, tomorrow morning and Mr Horton was appointed, on behalf of the Board publicly to address the President and deliver to him the keys of the University. On motion, Messrs. Wilson, Jewett and Dana were appointed a Committee to ascertain if any and what or Farms vacant grounds remain which may be laid off as [] ^ Lots On motion Mr Wilson was added to the Committees of Finance, on the Sale of Lots, and the Acting Committeeand said Committee continued with their former powers and duties. On motion, Messrs. Jewett and Dana were continued as a Committee for the sale of Scholarships with former powers. The Board then proceeded to the election of Secretary Treasurer, Auditor and Collector, when on countring the votes it appeared that A.G. Brown was elected Secretary, Horace Wilson Treasurer, Wm H. Bartlett Auditor [Secretary crossed out] and Abel Stedman Collector.

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53 Annual Meeting. Tuesday, August 2, 1853 On motion resolved, that the Treasurer, Auditor and Collector hereafter be required to give bonds to be approved by the Board while in session. On motion, adjourned till tomorrow morning Aug. 3, at 7 1/2 o'clock, to attend the exercises of the Inauguration and which took place according to appointment. Wednesday Aug. 3 Commencement ^ Board met and further adjourned till 2 o'clock PM. Afternoon 2 o'clock. The Board met and further adjourned to 6 P.M. Evening Session. The Board met, and on motion adopted the following Resolutions reported by the Committee to whom was referred the President's Communication, to wit. 1. Resolved, that a contingent fund of two hundred dollars for the President and of three hundred dollars for the Acting Committee be and is appropriated and put at their disposal respectively to meet contingent expenses during the ensuing year. 2. Resolved, that the President, with the concurrence of the Faculty be and is authorized to assign so many of the Students or Classes in the preparatory department to the several Professors in the Collegiate department, as may be thought necessary to relieve the labor of the Preparatory department. 3. Resolved, that the account of the President of contingent expenses paid out of the contingent fund put at his disposal during the past year, amounting to $190.50, be and is approved and confirmed. 4. Resolved, that a committee of five members of the Board be appointed whose duty it shall be to attend the regular examination of Classes in the University during the ensuing year and to reprot thereon to the Board. On motion Messrs. Wilson, Dana, Jewett, Welch and Brown were appointed the Committee under the foregoing Resolution. The President's Communication referred to said Committee as is follows: "To the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University. Gentlemen. In reviewing the Academical year now closing we are gratified in saying, that it has been one of comparative prosperity. The number of Students each successive term has gradually increased. During the first term the number in attendance was fifty four, and we have the present term eighty two. The whole number enrolled on our annual catalogue is one hundred and two, and the prospect is good for a large and steady increase the ensuing year.

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54 Annual Meeting. Wednesday August 4 [crossed out in pencil, 3 written above], 1853 The health of the Students has been good, and with very few exceptions, they have been uniformly orderly and studious I have never known a company of students who were more devoted to their studies. The Professors have enjoyed good health and the work of teaching in their respective Departments has been faithfully and unintermittedly performed. The increasing number of Students and their good behavior and studious habits have infused life and health into all the Departments and the Faculty and friends are confidently looking forward to still more prosperous conditin of the affairs of the University. We have here substantialy the means with which to work, and we see no insuperable obstacle in the way of filling the halls of the University with Students. To do this, however, will require continued effort; but with the cordial cooperation of the Board of Trustees and Faculty can be done. We would recommend that the Board authorize the continued sale of Scholarships, and to carry out this efficiently, that they provide for their sale by the appointment of an Agent or otherwise as they may deem expedient There has been paid into the Treasury for Room Rent $46.25. This sum in connection with the number of Students may seem small This is owing to the fact that Students in accordance with the regulation of the Board, have been allowed to fit up rooms at their own expense and receive back their payment. At the commencement of the year all the unoccupied rooms were in dilapidated and ruinous condition. This will explain or account for the small amount of cash received. Some fifteen of the rooms have been fitted up. Some repairs have been made the last year, and more still ought to be made- painting especially is necessary for the preservative of the buildings- The college edifices should by all means be put in a state of thorough repairs. The work requisite to be done in the Preparatory Department is too much for one man. Assistance in some way ought to be affordable. Whether this should be done by assigning some of the classes to the Professors in the Collegiate Departments, or by the appointment of an assistant we leave to the Board to determine. We would also respectfully suggest that the Board appoint a committee whose business shall be to attend the regular examination of classes in the Institution and report. I herewith submit in complicance with a former regulation.

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55 Annual Meeting. Wednesday, August 3. 1853 of the Board, an amount of the contingent expenses incurred by me during the year ending August 3, 1853Respectfully S. Howard" On motion, Resolved, that the Salary of the Principal of the Preparatory Department be increased to five hundred and fity (550.$) dollars per year, from and after the 1st of September next. The following propsed Resolution offered by Dr. Kreider on motion, was referred to Messrs. Kreider, Welch and Jewett, to report upon at next meeting: ("Resolved, that the Board of Trustees of the Ohio University will favorably entertain a proposition to establish a Medical Department of the same at the city of Zanesville under a competent Faculty of Medicine as recommended in the application- Provided that none of the funds of the University shall ever be appropriated to that purpose; and provided further, that the Laws governing the University will permit such location, and if otherwise, to apply for Legislative authority for that purpose.") The committee appointed yesterday to examine & ascertain what repairs are requisite upon the College Grounds and Buildings, reported 1. That the fence around the Campus needs repairs, by supplying in some places, caps-boards in some panels, and posts not exceeding 100, at not exceeding $25, expense. 2. That the Halls in the main building should be remodeled in the plaistering might be papered to advantage- estimate $50. 3. That floors of wings require repairs- estimate $125. 4. That sash in wings require painting & [Illegible] etc. 5. That Locks were needed in lower stories of the wings $30. 6. That shrubbery needs trimming etc. $10 That an appropriation in gross. of $300. is recommended V.B. Horton & J.E. Hanna, [Illegible] Adjourned to 7 1/2 o'clock tomorrow morning. Thursday Morning August 4, 1853. The Board met pursuant to adjournmentOn Motion, the degree of Master of Arts in course was conferred upon A.D. Brown and D.W.C. Loudon of the Class of 1850. On motion the degree of Doctor of Divinity was conferred upon Rev. Jacob Lindley and Rev. [Illegible] Williams. pro On motion an ap^priation of $30 was made to pay the Athens Board- Messrs. Welch and Jewett [Illegible]

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Displaying pages 61 - 65 of 183 in total