Felix Kingston. Printer in London
1597-1652 in Dublin 1618-19
Thomas Dawson Printer in London
(1568) 1576 (77-1620 (died)
The Psalms were to 17th C England what the Book
of Hours had been before the Reformation, the
principal aid to regular private devotion. i) Psalter
in the metrical translation of T. Sternhold, J. Hopkins
and others: These were over 600 ed. of the Book
of Psalms between 1549 and 1828, and Sternhold and
Hopkins version has had a larger circulation
than any work in the language, except the
authorized version of the Bible and the Book of
Common Prayer. Sternhold published only 1
ed. in his lifetime, containing only 19 psalms,
but which proved to be the germinal of subsequent
enlarged ed. which became standard after 1562.
Only some, however, are set to music.
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