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Leaf Book - Ovide Moralias . C. Mansion Bruges 1484.
(1963) Amsterdam 40 copies {F IB B7M2 1484h leaf
-In the 8 yrs. that Colard Maosnio referred to himself as
a printer , 24 ed., it is now assumed , were produced by
his press , 13 of them - his name or device. He left
Bruges in late summer of 1484.
- It is a wide known fact that in the 16th C, the 15 C
books rapidly disappeared from market . Even
when incunabula contained texts which were still
read & studied in the 16th C , a new reading public
asked for new, modern editions.

Carolus Linnaeus (1707 - 1778)
Critica Botanica (1737) - ranks - the Systema
Naturae of 1735 & the Fundamenta Botanica of 1736 as
one of the 3 major works of theEnglish - Dutch period
of his career (1735 - 38) in which he developed the
foundation for his classification & terminology of plants
while studing & travelling . The outcome of all
these studies , the Philosophica Botanica did not appear
until 1751.
Missale Aboenae - Finland's 1st printed book. 1488.

Altogether about 125 - or perhaps 140 but probably
not more books in Hebrew letters are known to have
been printed before 1501.

No block book example survives before 1455 although
they were made before & after Gutenberg.

Appenzell, Switz. - "Many plants against illness, none against

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