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2 revisions
cw057318 at Dec 24, 2021 01:04 AM


The book deals with the misfortunes of noble women, commencing
with those of our parent Eve, + the cuts give graphic
pictures - chiefly of their tragic deaths. After Eve the
various goddesses are depicted in their several delinquencies.
Other cuts illustrate the story of Pynamus + Thisbe; the well
remembered tale of the daughters fo Sarius, King of Argos,
destroying their husbands the 1st night of their nuptials, with the
exception of Hypermnastra who saved her husband; The heroic
Jason + Meder; Arachne + her transformation into a
spider; Heracles + Dejanira; Cephalus in the unfortunate act
of destroying his wife Procius; Romulus + Remus; the
occupation of hte Lesbian maid; the accouchement of the
female Pope Johanne Anglica in the midst of a religious
- In the chapter on Niobe, Boccaccio wants to present an example
of the foolishness of pride + the harm it can cause. He uses
as his source Ovid's account of this queen in Metamorphases, but
reduces the part devoted to the queen to about 1/5 the length of
the original.
Saragossa - the 1st printer was Mateo Flandro (Matthew of Flandos)
who completed there a Manipulus Curatorum on 15 Oct. 1475.
Goff G569.
BMC VolX - 856 incumabula printed in Spain - 54.3 /(465) are in the
vernacular - larger than any other country except England (65.9/) in
the farther one gets away from Italy, the greater becomes the
preportion of the book printed in the vernacular.
Polland - Brown Univ Cat Ref Z240 B88 Saragossa - in 1488-90 J. Hurus printed some 8 books, + in or before
1491 his work was taken up by his kinsman Paul Hurus, who by
the end of 1499 had completed about 30 incumables.
(85066) no rubrication or coloring of woodcuts.
HEHL C6 (of 6) fo XXII Capitulo XV - woodcut on
opposite leaf of Niobe which is Capitulo xiiij, there
is no woodcut for my leaf (de isiphile)
Capitulo XVI (de medea) fo. XXIII.
