Page 23




Status: Complete

October 8,1958

Colonel Gerden F. Johnson
1327 Myron Street
Schenectady 9, New York

Dear Colonel Johnson:

Thank you for the truly fascinating account of D-day
which I received today. I am sending it on to Mr. Ryan's
office, where he is presently working on the introductory
chapters of the book. Time grows short, but I know that
your recollections of the invasion day have reached us in time
to be of great assistance to him.

I am confident that Mr. Ryan will be in touch with
you himself, but in the meantime I am equally confident that
he will wish to have the enclosed release signed by you and
returned as soon as possible. If you would prefer to corre-
spond with him directly, his address is 5 East 52nd Street,
N. Y. C. Thank you again, sir, for your interest and your

Sincerely yours,

Frances Ward

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