



Status: Needs Review

& Inventorys

[Column 1] £:s:d
Henry Paton 00:07:00
David Prichard Sen 00:04:04
Edw. Roe Sen 00:02:04
Caleb Bundy 00:04:01
Stephen Scott ju 00:02:00
Geo. Harris 01:07:03
Danl Johnson 00:11:02
John Hunt 00:04:04
Geo. Flemin 00;09:05
Wm Raman 00:09:03
Wm Turner 00:04:04
John Bolman 00:11:02
John Durant 00:06:08 1/2
Thomas Twiddy 02:11:08
Wm [Breed?] 00:05:08
John Godfrey 00:06:09
Austin Scarbrough 00:01:03
Robert Lowry 00:02:08

[Column 2]
Joseph Halliot Dr to severall people
£ s d
Arnoll White 01:06:09
Jerimiah Symons 01:02:08
Morgin Thomas 00:01:08
Henry Palin Junr 00:06:10
David pricket Junr 00:15:00
Joseph Comander 00:11:05
Robert Wallis 00:00:08

Errors Excepted
by us

Robert Wallis
Joseph Comander

[across full page]
May ye 19th day 1694
An Inventory taken of Mr Hallit and his owners goods here in ye
Country. Forty Dozen of Coat Buttons = An Hank of sowing Silk.
Two pair of Mens stockings = One Pottle measure with an hole melted in ye
Side = Thirteen Yards & halfe of Damnifyed [Orenbrige?] = An hundred
and Four black whisks = A Small [???] of Phisic =Five [Papers?] of Sowing
Needells = One pair of Wearing Shoes = Pr of gloves = One book titled ye young
Clerks guide. = Five other Godly booke = More one Penknife one Razor =
Case = One Razor & hone = and Glas = One Dimity Wascoat = Two pair of
Wearing Stockins = One white Hankerchif = Two old muslin neckcloths
One Silk one = One Little Hatt brush = One Grey Seal = Two Chest = Att
Stephen Mundine, Twenty Eight Barrells of Porke: at Mrs Ducants two
Barrells of Porke = At Mrs Heartleys One barrell of Porke = at Francis
Wards One barrell of Porke = att John Luins one barrell of Porke = Thir=
teen & halfe Barrs of Lead. = One old shirt two pair of old stockins = at Jo=
seph Comanders twenty three barrells of Porke. = And allsoe by Bill
of lading Shipped of by us bearing Date ye 26th day of Aprill 1694 upon
ye Sloop Industry to Lay Ninety Six barrells of Porke = Five barrells of
Oyle = Six Barrells of Fatt one of which not Full = Thirteen Dear Skins
one Panther Skin = One Cub = Skin = Twenty Seven Dry hides = One Cake
& half of Bees Wax
Robert Wallis
Joseph Comander
doth upon the penalty of perjury
declaire this Inventory to be
the whole truth to ye best
of My knowledge

Sworne before us this 24 day
of May which is the third monethe
John Hunt
Henry White

[right lower corner]

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