



Status: Complete

que Dios guarde de tan lejos y a que fuessen cristianos
que era lo que queria de ellos y no otra
cossa que yo tamvien no benia a pedirles
ni que me diessen nada y que se asegura-
sen era [a]zunto y no falsso lo que les dezia a que
respondio el dicho yndio ladino a quien tienen
por su caveza y obedezen por todos y le
pregunte como se llamaba y me dijo que
Matheo y a todas sus dudas y rezelos
le replique y satisfize y no obstante temi-
do y pertinaz se hallava dudosso diziendo
que dos yndios manssos y otros apaches
le havian dicho ya la dicha su gente que quando
yo dicho governador y capitan general viniese
no me creyessen aunque les dijiesse que los
venia a oyr y ver de paz porque debajo
de ella les havia de mandar arcabuzear
y ahorcar a todos de cuya razon les dije
que era falsso y unos embusteros que
eran los dichos manssos y apaches
que como enemigos que eran de los
cristianos era la causa de que ellos
procurasen estorbar no fueran
ellos nuestros amigos y supuesto

Notes and Questions

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FYI: I have only clicked on the "Save" button and have NOT clicked on the green "Done" button. I will review this page in the next few days when time permits. Thank you!


FYI: I struggled with the word "reabuzear" (I think), that is located on the 17th line. "bucear" = profundizar en algun asunto. Or to go deeper into an issue or controversy. Anyhow, I'm just mentioning it for what it's worth.


Hector, I have done a couple of these pages, however this writing still can give me trouble. I think it may say (mandar a reabuscar".


David! You got me thinking a bit more about it. For that 17th line, what do you think of the following: "are a buzcar". If I place it in a modern sounding sentence, it would appear like this: "hare a buscar y a horcar a todos". What do you think?


Sounds good!

Native Bound Unbound Project

Hi David and Hector, great work. It's actually from the word arquebus and is the verb arcabucear, to shoot them with an arquebus.

Native Bound Unbound Project

Hi David and Hector, great work. It's actually from the word arquebus and is the verb arcabucear, to shoot them with an arquebus.


Hector had it correct the first time. An arquero is an archer, but I don't recall ever hearing to word arquebus. Learned something new, thanks Aaron.


Dr. Taylor! These are the kinds of revelations, I enjoy. For whatever reason, I feel enlightened to learn something new. Don't remember where, but somewhere I read that in the first 235 days, Hernan Cortés was the guest of Moctezuma/Montezuma II. They formed a friendship and Cortés eventually taught Montezuma how to use an arquebus. And they eventually went hunting together. The arquebus was invented in Spain in the mid-15th century.

Native Bound Unbound Project

Thank you, Hector, for that fascinating note. I love these discoveries as well. I knew the word arquebus, but not the verb form. Have a wonderful day!


Thank you all for the valuable contribution. I have made the final review and adjustments that you can view in the versions tab fyi. This particular scribe always challenges us with some consonants that are easily mistaken e.g. s for J; r for n; and in many cases his vowels are also hard.