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For outside shirts I would prefer good heavy,
bleached cotton ones if it would not be too
much trouble for you to make them. The
Socks & Mittens I need not direct about, only the
[see note] part. If Horace would get some boots like
those I had made before I came out (which he
will rememember, were very heavy double soled
calf, and send them with his bill for them I
will be much indebted to him & will send the
price, when we are paid off again. Further than
this I will make no suggestions except to say, put
nothing in, which not keep for a month, at least
as we may move so that I do not get it in less.
Several packages of Express matter came in
for the Regts. yesterday & they were some of them
sent so long ago as when we were at Camp Grif-
fin; others were directed to Harrison's Landing [Va?]

Unless you hear from me again direct to me
at the Co & Regt. 2nd Brigade Smith's Division, Ha-
gerstown, Md.. When I came here the Captain
paid me my extra duty money of the Spring,
amounting to ($2600) twenty six dollars, which
with some change & a dollar in Postage Stamps
was stolen from me the same day. Doubtless the
thief needed it more than I did & I hope he is
truly thankful for his good luck. I should have sent
some home but for this mishap. Thee has asked me
several times if I was not in need of money, but I
have had enough all the time. My expenses are, not
large now. On the road to Camp, I had to buy my rations &
the expense was considerable, for instance, at Fredrick
I had to pay [28?] cts. for a loaf of bread and the same for a

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Line 5 begins with a drawing of a glove, with three fingers?