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Perley's men have indeed found their ways to
[Vt.?] sooner than I supposed they would, but
I do not suppose I can say I blame them for
it, neither can I say I am at all disappointed
in them. The weather here is still very fine and
though the nights are somewhat cool, the days
are as warm as Summer need to be. We are in a
good location here. There is plenty of good water
right in our dooryards; the Spring rising there
is sufficient to furnish a Mill Power as a few
rods from us. We are expecting to move a short
distance soon; but not far, I am in hopes.
Vegetables are quite plenty & I wish [thee?] could
have some of the Fruit which I am daily in
receipt of. The man in whos house we are
stopping, furnishes us beautiful pears & apples,
& some dys peaches too. The Penn. Militia of
whom we hear so much, stole enough Catawba
Grapes, to make twenty galons of wine. If the
stories are true I and all, will soon have reason
to congratulate the Ladd, you mention, and in
the proper time I shall be very much pleased to do
so. I had a letter written for Timothy written when
I got Mary's last, but as he will not get till he
returns from his journey, I did not send it


My time will be more occupied now than in
the hospital, but I intend to write home as
often as ever, nevertheless, as I shall wish to
hear just as often as then. I have not heard
from Henry except by way of home, since I [came?]
My dismissal from the Society came safely & as
thee knows the tenor of that as well as of my
mind, which has not changed inthe past year,
I need make no remarks upon it. Poor Uncle
Timothy is released at last. The poor man
has sufferred severely & we cannot lament his
departure though we can & do sympathize
with Aunt Paulina & George. I did not know
till thine, that George & Tinkum was married.
My congratulations to him, when thee sees him.
I do not know as it is worth your while to
send me a box, though some things would
be very acceptable. The only article of clothing
it is worth while to send would be Shirts,
Boots, Stockings & perhaps a pair of Mittens.
If you see fit to send anything of this kind
you can do so. For Shirts I would like a
pair of white, knit, under shirts, if they are
to be found, if not, some others will do, all but
the white which I am paticular about.

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