Office of Iowa Seed Company, Des Moines, lowa, January 1, 1888.
With pleasure we again greet our many old customers and friends, as well as the many new ones which are constantly coming to us, and whom one year's trial of our superb Iowa Seeds, usually persuades to stay by us. We can refer with pride to the many testimonials we are almost daily receiving from the most critical market gardeners in the country, as they tell more of the superior value of our seeds than anything we could say, and a perusal of them will convince all that our motto "ONLY ONE QUALITY, THE BEST," is well taken.
We are taking special pains to grow and supply the very best vegetable, flower, field and grass seeds that can be produced, and we consider our efforts well rewarded by the universal verdict of our customers, and the rapidly increasing popularity of our Choice Iowa Seeds. We are located in the garden spot of the country, the center of the United States, where soil and climate are especially adapted to the raising of seeds. Our home seed farm consists of about 150 acres, and on this we have our experimental grounds, where we test all varieties of seeds sold by us, as well as most of the novelties which are offered each year, and also grow quite a large number of varieties of vegetables, all under the personal supervision of the senior member of our firm, Mr. H. C. Windsor. Aside from this, many of our seeds are grown for us under our direction in Adair, Dallas, Cass, Audubon and Polk counties. In this way we are certain of the purity and high quality of the seeds we offer, and only request that you give them a fair trial. At the Iowa State Fair, held in this city in September, 1887, there was a very large exhibit of the products of our seeds, and they attracted much attention. Next fall we expect to make a still larger display aud shall be pleased to meet any of our customers there at that time. And here we take the opportunity to thank you all for your liberal orders and kind expressions of confidence, and solicit a continuance of them for the future.
The Importance of Good Seed- Cannot be overestimated, and we are certain that after a trial all our customers will agree that our seeds are the purest and best to be had. Still when it is considered how many are the contingencies on which the success of any crop depends, our customers will readily see that it would be sheer folly for any one to warrant them to produce a perfect crop, and we want it distinctly understood that we sell no seeds with warranty either express or implied in any respect, and will not be in any way responsible for the crop. But, however, we have so much faith in them that we hereby agree to refill any retail order for vegetable or flower seeds free of charge should they prove otherwise than as we represent them.
Our Prices- Our constant aim is to make the highest quality the first consideration, and next to put our prices as low as good reliable seeds can be sold. In considering he prices or comparing them with others, please bear in mind that we deliver all Vegetable and Flower Seeds (except Peas, Beans and Corn) to you postpaid.
Order Early- Because your orders are sure to be promptly filled and we are sure to have what you want, which might not be the case late in the season, and you will be ready for planting when good weather comes.
Charges Prepaid- All seeds and plants, except those noted, are sent prepaid by mail or express, by quickest and most direct route, unless ordered otherwise, and we guarantee their safe arrival.
Shipping Directions- In ordering please state whether it will be convenient for you to receive your goods by express, and if so, name your nearest express office, as all orders weighing two pounds and upwards, will be forwarded by express if possible.
Send Money with Order- Either by draft, money order, registered letter, or any manner convenient. We accept postage stamps as cash. We keep no book accounts in our mail order department, and the expense of sending goods C. O. D. is quite large.
Testing- All seeds are carefully tested and nothing sent out which we do not believe to be good in every respect.
Guaranteed- We guarantee the safe arrival of any goods which we send out. That your order will be filled promptly and well. We will be responsible that all money sent by bank draft, money order or registered letter, will reach us. When the order amounts to $2 or over, the expense of sending money may be deducted from amount sent.
Discounts-On all seeds in packets amounting to $1 or over, twenty per cent. For other discounts see heading of the respective classes of goods. Each year we put up a great many packets of seeds for free distribution among our customers by adding liberally of them to orders.
Clubs- We want a good live agent or club raiser in every town and community. If you desire to work for us write for special terms to agents and we will start you in the business.
We will be obliged to any of our customers who may favor us with the names of their friends and neighbors that are interested in gardening, and we will mail a copy of our new catalogue to them with pleasure.
To Market Gardeners and other large purchasers we shall be pleased to send our special prices on application.
Our Responsibility- As this book will probably go into the hands of many who are unacquainted with us, this question will naturally arise, and in answer to the same we respectfully refer you by permission to the Valley National Bank, of this city.
Respectfully soliciting your orders and correspondence, we remain,
Yours, Very Truly,
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