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Novelties for 1888, and VARIETIES OF SPECIAL MERIT.
We present the following list of the newer varieties of vegetables to our customers this year, which have been carefully selected from the many which are offered by the seed trade, and we have used great care in choosing only such as we believed would be desirable acquisitions, and prove of great value to our customers. They are not merely novelties, whose only value is in their rarity, but they possess qualities of decided merit, and are far superior in their respective classes, to the older and better known varieties, and will undoubtedly, when they become more generally known, supplant many of the now standard sorts. We especially would call yonr attention to the novelties of our own introduction, which are illustrated on the outside cover of this Guide. We can recommend them all as possessed of real sterling merit, and it will pay you to try them. On all seeds in packets the purchaser is entitled to select twenty-five cents worth extra for each $1.00 sent.

This most attractive novelty which we introduce to our customers this year we claim to be the best in the world. In it we have a variety entirely distinct from any heretofore introduced. Its shape is that shown on the cover of our catalogue, and market gardeners wlil readily see it is sure to become the leading market variety. Nine years ago in a field of Henderson's Pineapple Beet, grown on our seed farm in Madison county, we discovered some differing in shape from that valuable old variety. We have each year kept up this constant selection, keeping in mind this ideal shape, color and size, until this year we think we have as near perfection as can be attained. As will be noticed, it is very symmetrical, with small tap root and but few fibrous roots. Unusually small tops. At the age of the Egyptian it is larger, while it continues to grow until late in the fall, attaining a large size and making a good selling and eating beet for winter. By the first of October they measure eight inches in diameter and average six pounds each in weight.
Color outside is deep blood-red; inside layers of blood-red and pure white alternately. When cooked, they are a beautiful dark red throughout, fine grained and unsurpassed in quality.
Summing it all up, we find in it the BEST BEET FOR EARLY MARKET, the BEST BEET FOR WINTER USE, and owing to the small tops permitting them to be grown close together, and the peculiar shape of the bulb, it is the MOST PROFITABLE BEET FOR THE MARKET GARDENER and for the family garden of any we know of.
We want each one of our thousands of customers throughout this country to give this Beet a trial, and we know they will find we have not given it too high praise. Per pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 25 cts.; 1/4 lb. 75 cts.

An improvement on the old Lima Beans. It is a very vigorous grower, requiring but two vines to each pole. They set their pods early, at the bottom of the pole producing a continuous bloom and fruitage to the end of the season. Many of the pods measure from five to eight inches, and contain five, six and seven perfectly formed Beans to the pod, of superior edible quality. Per pkt. 10 cts.; qt. by mail 70 cts.; pk. $2.25.

In this state the season is so short that often Lima Beans do not reach maturity. But this variety is so early, that by growing it all can indulge in this luxury. This desirable and distinct variety has been thoroughly tested by some of the best judges in every section of the eountry, and pronounced from ten to fifteen days earlier than any other. It is of the same size and general appearance as the ordinary variety, remarkably productive, and of extra fine quality. Per pkt. 10 cts.; qt. by mail 90 cts.

The New York Agricultural Experiment Station in 1885, tested over 700 different kinds of Lettuce from seedsmen and growers in all parts of the world, and in their report now before us, we find the following in regard to this variety: "All in all this is the finest heading variety we have grown. This is one of the dark green, thick leaved sorts, nearly all of which are of good quality. Head compact, roundish, or a little flattened when of full size, in some plants measuring fully five inches in diameter. Outer leaves few in number, which with the perfectly defined head give the plant a very distinct appearance." On our own grounds we have found this variety the slowest to run to seed, and one of the best heading kinds we have ever tested. Per pkt. 10 cts.; oz. 35 cts.


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