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We pay as much or more attention to the cultivation, improvement, introduction and dissemination of the potato, as to any other one branch of our business. It is our purpose to fully keep up with the times in this department. We therefore spend considerable money each season in testing new varieties, many of which we never offer for sale, not considering them worthy; but on the other hand, there are numerous new sorts brought to notice nearly every year, possessing special points of value, which are well worth a trial. Remarkable improvements have been made in the potato during the past few years, and every gardener and farmer is standing in his own light, who refuses or neglects to test the newer varieties.

Our descriptions are from our own observations and note books, as our potatoes are grown by ourselves, under the careful supervision of one of the closest observers and most successful cultivators in the country. We are particular not to overestimate any variety we offer. Our experiments during the past season have caused us to discard several varieties of high-sounding names. In our judgment it will pay any farmer to buy new potatoes, if it only be to change the seed, as it is a well recognized fact that it requires careful cultivation to perpetuate any vegetable which is so susceptible to variations, "sporting" and deterioration as the potato. Our experience is, that any potato will deteriorate, if grown on the same soil for a number of successive years. So well do the Rhode Island market gardeners recognize the force of this, that they renew their seed from other States, each year. This we know to be a positive fact.

Our seed potatoes are pure, true to name, and of fine quality. Those quoted by the "pound" are sent by mail, post-paid; those quoted by the peck or bushel, are to be sent by express or freight at the purchasers expense.

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Am. Magnum Bonum - In both yield and quality first class. Fairly early, skin white, eyes slightly sunken. Stood the drouth remarkably well. We highly recommend it. Lb. by mail, 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; by express pk. $1.00; bu. $2 50.
American Giant - Tubers white, smooth, oblong; fine cropper; promises well; medium late; lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. $1.25.
Alaska - Tubers large, round; eyes somewhat depressed; flesh white and mealy; good keeper; medium late; lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. $1.25.
Adirondack - One of the handsomest potatoes we have ever seen. Round as an orange, sometimes slightly depressed at the seed end; eyes close to the surface; skin is copper colored, slightly russety; flesh pure white and mealy. Its table qualities are strictly first class. One of the very best of keepers and one of the last to sprout in the spring. It is medium late. The tubers grow very compactly in the hill. It is a heavy cropper; we highly recommend it. Lb. 50c; 3 lbs $1.00; pk. $1.50.
Almo - The Almo is a very good medium late, solid white potato. It yields well and keeps splendidly. It is supposed to have originated in Texas about 10 years ago, but we have no authentic history of its origin. It has been grown in this vicinity for several years, and is a favorite sort with those who have grown it. Lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. 75c; bu. $2.00.
Brownell's Best - Mr. Brownell originated this new seedling in 1875; we planted it last season for the first time. In general appearance it somewhat resembles the snowflake. It is very smooth and has but few eyes. The eating qualities are very high; flesh very white, fine and mealy. It is a fair yielder and good keeper. Lb. 75c; 3 lbs. $2.00.
Belle - One of the finest croppers we have ever tested, and for as large a potato it is unexcelled in quality. The skin is flesh color; flesh pure white; medium late; eyes are somewhat sunken in the larger ones. The enormous size is all that can be said against the Belle, but when we consider its great yielding, splendid keeping and superior eating qualities, it is certainly one of the most promising late potatoes in cultivation. The editor of the American Agriculturist writes: "A trial on the table was made to-day, and the whole family endorse my verdict of 'splendid in every respect.' I do not now recollect a better Potato." We planted the 19th day of June, and the yield was immense. Do not fail to try the Belle. Lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. 75c; bu. $2.00.
Bliss' Triumph - Tubers very round and handsome; light red; flesh white and mealy; one of the earliest; Lb. 60c; 3 lbs. $1.50.
British Queen - Strong grower; stands the drouth well. Tubers large, russetty, somewhat rough; good quality. Lb. 50c ; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. $1.00.
Boyd - A notice of the Boyd from the pen of one of the best agricultural writers in Iowa first attracted our notice two years ago, and in reply to a note to that gentleman, he wrote us as follows: "The facts are simply these: Mr. Boyd has been trying to produce a perfect Potato by inoculation; he had, as he thought, about accomplished it; he had a Potato, hardy, good at
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all times of the year, never as yet known to rot, and what seemed peculiar, was exempt as far as tried, from the attacks of bugs, while other kinds in the same field would be badly eaten. It yields finely. The only fault I can find with it is, it is a little rough. The old gentleman was designing to remedy this by one more inoculation with a smooth potato, but death prevented. As it is, I think I would choose it for a standard potato in preference to any one I know. It is dry and mealy, either boiled or baked. I have had it five years and am much pleased with it, and thought it worthy public mention." The Boyd originated in the northern part of Iowa, and is well worthy a trial. Lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. $1.00.
Beauty of Hebron, Early - Tubers similar in shape to the Early Rose, very smooth; slightly tinged with pink about the eyes; ten days earlier than the Early Rose; yields well, tubers lying very close together in the hill. Its mealy qualities and rich, delicate flavor are the highest recommends; lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. 75c; bu. $2.00.
Beauty of Hebron, Late - This new late variety was first discovered in a field of the Early Beauty of Hebron, and stands in the same relation to that variety as the Late Rose and Late Snowflake do to their respective prototypes. It is remarkably productive; tubers oblong and of extra size; flesh and skin white; table properties of the very highest order, and keeps well; lb. 60c; 3 lbs. $1.50; pk. $1.00.
Canada Rose - For the purpose of changing our seed we obtained a stock of the finest Rose potatoes which could be found in Canada. They were planted on ordinary ground, and given only ordinary culture, and yielded well. They are of fine quality and very handsome, healthy and vigorous; lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. 75c; bu. $2.00.
Compton's Surprise - Oval oblong in shape; color reddish purple; remarkable for its good quality and productiveness; lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00.
Chicago Market - This new variety came very highly recommended for productiveness and good quality. We have grown it two years and pronounce it a first class market variety; it ripens with the Early Rose skin very smooth and glossy; the quality is the very best; lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. 75c; bu. $2.00.
Crawford's Seedling - This new Iowa seedling was sent to us by the originator, Mr. Crawford, three years ago. In color and in shape it closely resembles the Early Rose, but the tubers are much smoother and the yield under the same treatment fully one-fourth heavier, while the time of maturity is the same. Awarded the first premium at our State Fair in 188[line cut off] for an early potato. We have the testimonials of a large number of competent judges who have thoroughly tested the quality, and pronounce it superior to any early potato they have ever used. Do not fail to give this new Iowa seedling a trial; lb. 50c; 3 1bs $1.00; pk. 75c; bu. $2.00.
Clark's No. 1 - This variety reminds us of the Early Rose in its palmiest days, which it very closely resembles; is a much better cropper; ripens about the same time; lb. 50c; 3 lbs. $1.00; pk. 75c; bu. $2.00.

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