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[Left column]

HAWKWEED. (Crepis.)

Very showy and pretty hardy annuals; delicate flowers, yellow, pink, purple and white; well adapted for rock work. Sow seed in open ground.
862-Best varieties mixed .... 5.

A well-known genus of profuse flowering and deliciously fragrant plants, splendid for bedding or ribboning, and for baskets or pot culture; seeds sown in spring make fine plants for summer and autumn decoration; half hardy perennial.
865-Finest mixed .... 10.

The Hibiscus is one of the most highly ornamental plants, large flowers, beautifully varied colors. Hardy annuals. 1 1/2 feet.
870-Africanus, large cream colored flowers, brown center .... 10.
872-Perennial, very fine .... 15.

The Hollyhock is one of the grandest flowers for fall decoration. Stately growth, gorgeously colored flowers. It has been greatly improved during the past few years. Sow seed very early indoors. Hardy perennials.
877-Double extra fine mixed .... 15.
879- Double White, very fine and large .... 25.

The seed pod, which is rich silvery, is much used for winter bouquets. It is quite pretty and easily grown. Hardy biennial. 2 feet.
895-Lunaria, purple .... 5.

The Honeysuckle is a hardy perennial shrub; it is a great favorite and well known. 20 feet.
899-Scarlet .... 10.
901-White .... 10.
903-Mixed .... 10.

Very handsome decorative plant, for house culture or bedding. Majestic and graceful. Half hardy biennial. 3 feet.
910-Red .... 15.
912-White .... 15.

Very handsome trailer. Leaves covered with crystalline globes, which give it the appearance of ice. Half hardy annuals.
916-White .... 5.

Extremely beautiful. Its graceful form, fine foliage and rich, brilliant flowers render it indispensable for the garden or conservatory.
920-Bona Nox, (Good Night or Evening Glory), flowers large, fragrant, satin rose, expanding in the evening. Vine 10 feet . Half hardy annual .... 10.
922-Coccinea (Star Ipomoea), great profusion of small scarlet flowers. 8 feet. Half hardy annual... 5.
935-Mexican Grandiflora. Immense white flowers. Very fragrant. Perennial .... 15.

Long handsome spikes of brilliant flowers; blooms freely. Half hardy biennials.
1000-Elegans, Picta, orange, gold and scarlet. 3 feet .... 5.
1002-Fine mixed varieties .... 10.

Great bloomers; gay colored flowers. Hardy annuals.
1006-Best double varieties .... 10.

Fine little compact bedding plants; free flowering. Hardy annuals.
1011-Mixed, 6 inches .... 5.

[Right Column]

Remarkable for the brilliancy of colors, constantly changing in hue. Desirable for pot culture or bedding.
1015-Finest mixed .... 10.

Very ornamental and beautiful hardy annuals. Thrive best in a cool location.
1018-Dwarf German Rocket, double, extra fine mixed .... 5.
1020-Tall German Rocket, double, extra fine mixed .... 5.
1022-Hybrid, extra fine mixed .... 10.
1024-Imperial Branching, double, extra fine mixed .... 15.

Beautiful foliage and flowers. Sow seeds very early in the spring. Hardy annuals. 6 inches.
1030-Hybrid, mixed, splendid .... 10.

Does nicely in damp or shady places; very easily grown; fragrant. Hardy annuals. 6 inches.
1035-Grandifiora, mixed colors .... 5.

Slender, delicate, handsome bedding plants, belonging to the Flax family. Sow seed indoors.
1041-Grandiflorum Rubrum .... 5.

Very pretty and rapid growing climbers; flowers are quite curious and numerous. The plant is covered with little sharp hairs. Hardy annuals.
1047-Vulcanica, elegant starlike, white flowers. 4 feet .... 25.

One of the prettiest and most useful little trailing plants for the hanging basket. The low growing sorts are very valuable for edgings; very free, pretty bloomers. Half hardy annuals.
1052-Erenus, deep blue, 6 inches .... 10.
1054- " Crystal Palace, dark blue .... 10.
1056- " Grandiflora, Superba .... 10.
1058- " mixed .... 10.
1060- " Dwarf double mixed .... 10.

Frequently called sun dials; flowers pea formed, quite conspicuous; seed should be sown in open ground; colors rich and varied, mostly blue. Hardy annuals. 1 foot.
1065-Mixed varieties .... 5.

Very ornamental and handsome; great variety of colors; start seed early in the house. Hardy perennials.
1070-Chalcedonica, scarlet, very bright; 2 feet .... 5.
1072- " white .... 5.
1074- " mixed .... 5.
1076-Haageana, mixed hybrid, large flowers; 1 foot .... 10.

Handsome branching plants; great profusion of large fine flowers. Hardy annuals.
1085-Grandiflora, mixed. 2 feet .... 5.

QuIte large and coarse plants; flowers very double. The name is said to be a corruption of Mary's gold. Half hardy annuals.
1090-African, Double, best mixed, all colors. 2 feet .... 5.
1095-French, double mixed .... 5.

MARVEL OF PERU. (Mirabillis.)
Very beautiful, both in foliage and flowers; flowers open in the afternoon, hence it is commonly called "Four O'clock." Roots can be preserved through the winter. Half hardy perennials.
1100-Hybrid Mixed, many colors .... 5.

MATRICARIA. (Feverfew.)
Free flowering ornamental bedding plants. Half hardy perennials.
1106-Parthenium, double .... 10.

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