


Status: Complete

φαν 3

But, on the other hand, should the theory of Pragmaticism be erroneous, the student would only have to
compare concept after concept, each one, first, in the light of Existential Graphs,
and then as Pragmaticism would interpret it, and it could not but
be that before long he would come upon a concept whose
analyses from these two widely separated points of view unmistakably
conflicted. In the present article mention can be made of but a small percentage
of the concepts whose analyses have been subjected by
me to such examination. For we shall manage to dispense with scrutinizing them one by one; and the [?presented?] statement
represents merely the general drift of my argument. It will nevertheless be of service, however; and the more
so, in that the argument itself is of somewhat complex structure, is very long, and carries a number of subsidiary arguments of some difficulty, so
that, without the guidance of the general statement, the clearest minded
reader might lose his bearings, and run aground; and even with this aid some

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