fol. 7r




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back to George's St. who had been here since
Easter Monday 24th April (The 4 nuns from
the Green had returned on the previous Friday
eve.) The cab man drove them slowly
up through O'Connell Street, & realise
the amount of damage one should see
the city. From O'Connell bridge down
as far as Clery's every building is levelled
to the ground, the ruins were wtill
smouldering though the rain had been
pouring in continual torrents for 2 days
previous. Only the walls of the G.P.O. are standing.

9th Tuesday

This morning before 6.30 am. a
Detective Policeman & soldier went
into our Farm Yd. & asked one of the men
to bring them to the place where Monks
& Nolan were working, they were brought
to the garden, & quietly went up to them
simply said "You are to come with me" -
& the men went off. - Afterwards we
heard from people visiting that 2 Machine

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