fol. 6r



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by a kind friend. The poor nuns in
Green were in a very anxious state for
some hours - lest they should have to
leave, & in that case not knowing in what
state they would find the Convent on their

Mother General g[ot] on to George's St
& Stephen's Green by telephone - this
was an immense relief to her - to be able
to speak to the nuns even for a minute
or two & then to hear that all were well.

Firing continued all day - towards
eve. our suspense was ended by hearing
Jacob's Factory & College of Surgeons had
surrendered & our Convents on Green which
had been in great danger were safe.

During all the week the children
were wonderfully good. Musical exams
went on, & classes as usual.

Sunday 7th May.

Mother General went to town to
visit the nuns in the 3 houses who had
gone through so much - taking the 5

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