Miriam Van Waters Papers. Reformatory for Women at Framingham, 1876-1970. Subseries 3. Student correspondence, 1936-1971, n.d. Correspondence: M, 1935-1953. A-71, folder 321. Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 1)
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Library June 8th '35

Dear Mrs Van Waters,

It is very nice of you to want to arrange your Pic-nic so that I may be at it. It is a great honour I think. and I'm sure I appreciate it and [try?] not to get swellheaded.

I am very sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. I hope it is nothing serious.

Last edit over 4 years ago by MelanieEvans
(seq. 2)
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(seq. 2)

I hope Emerson was not too much for you. you know he is rather weighty.

Well it seems to be my misfortune to be called out to work on Tuesdays and Fridays. I do miss your class very much.

I hear all about it from the girls though. They are very kind. On next Friday D.V. I hope to be there for the last one. I hope too that you will be all better by then.

I remain

Respectfully Yours

Anne Markey

Last edit over 4 years ago by MelanieEvans
(seq. 3)
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(seq. 3)

3[4?] Clayton Ave Medfor Mass July 9th '35

Dear Mrs Van Waters

You sure did write me a lovely letter.

My sister said it was the nicest she ever read.

I want to thank you for the picture. It was lovely.

I shall always keep it in memory of a happy day.

Thanks too for the stamp. It was kind & thoughtful

I hope you had a nice trip down the Cape and to Oxford.

I shall be delighted to see you any time you ever get a chance.

I shall try to write a paper on something. by the end of this week.

In my better moments I used to spend a lot of evenings at the Boston Public Library. Many a Sunday night I left there at 10 P. M. to travel home to Medford. I dont know any place so peaceful as Bates Hall, where I could take down books of reference on various famous people, some in Ireland some in London or India. I have one more name on my list now. I hope Dr Van Waters is well & not working too hard. Regards to all Respectfully

Anne Markey

Last edit over 4 years ago by MelanieEvans
(seq. 4)
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(seq. 4)

of you, but I always have stamps - while not a millionaire so you don't have to do that.

Glad to hear the Biography Class is on again. The name I had for it is always in my own mind was "Happy Hour Class" as that was what it was for me, and I'm sure for all the girls.

But I am sure Dora or Claribel or Virginia can make a better suggestion.

I hope you are feeling well. I was depressed for a few days but I'm better now. I went to see "Les Miserables" this afternoon with my sister. I could not help comparing Happy Framingham with those dreadful prison scenes.

When the Bishop in the story entertained the convict & gave him his silver candlesticks, I said to myself "I know another family who would do that."

Have an appointment with Miss Newell about work tomorrow afternonn se I hope to soon get busy.

Last edit over 4 years ago by logiebear
(seq. 5)
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(seq. 5)

34 Clayton Ave Medford Mass Sept 30th '35

Dear Mrs Van Waters Thanks for your lovely letter. I shall be delighted to go up to the Poetry Class when the ladies are home from their travels. I heard from Miss Hinckley -- she wrote from

Last edit over 4 years ago by Hinckley
Displaying pages 1 - 5 of 131 in total