(seq. 11)




Status: Needs Review

Mr. P.M. Chappel or Chapell, my employer, gave Miss Binford
a $200.00 check for my defense and said he would give more if needed.

He might help me again sometime with money. A relative of
his was one of my pals- his daughter in law's brother.

Keep the pan-cake griddle, and perhaps I will have some
of your cakes someday. You shouldn't limit me to just one.

I can't imagine Miss Binford or Miss Hoffman chopping wood,
riding horses, or sleeping in a shack with a weasel. I like those trates
in you. You are a rare person and I'll have to write often.

Thank you for giving me the correct "balance." I am asking for
trouble in correcting you, but here it is as followes: In your letter
written in Red Bank, N.J., you wrote of your airplane trip and
the Hindenburg disaster. You spelled disaster- "disiaster." In my
answering letter, I spoke of the disaster and underlined it. Look at the
letter and see for yourself. --- In your last letter: "Mrs. Thompson
frequently asks for you." You used the wrong preposition-"for." She
asks about you. You also have mixed paragraphs and by far too
many. You used four paragraphs for one topic-- Christmas presents.

I'll catch plenty for this; I just won't make mistakes, I hope.

Everything goes well with me at this time. I am sure I'll
be alright. I am trying for a new Snapdragon by pollination. If
I should be lucky enough to strike something new and lovely, I
will name it after you. This purely as a matter of chance and luck.
I would like to do something for you--something nice.

Mary Belle has been promoted to a junior. Dad has two day's
work a week. I know nothing of Mike.

Your letter made me feel like one the family. It
pleased me very much- Won't mind my correcting you.

My very best wishes to you, Doctor. Take good care of yourself.

How is Miss Edna K.?

Russell McWilliams

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