(seq. 40)


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2 revisions
Suvin at Aug 30, 2021 06:15 PM

(seq. 40)

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

REUBEN L LURIE Commissioner


Published for and by the Inmates at the
Massachusetts State Prison
Charlestown 29, Mass.

October 2, 1953

Dr. Mirian Van Waters
Box 99 Reformaory
Framingham, Massachusetts

Dear Dr. Van Waters :-

In August, I addressed a letter to you in-
quiring whtether you would care to write. Christ-
mas mssage to the men, etc., as the Mentor staff
beleived that the men would enjoy being remmebered
at Christmas time by you and others.

Therefore, I find it necessary to inquire
again if it could be possible to obtain one from
you because preparations must be taken before it
can be published, e.g.c it may need to be illust-
rated,t eh linotype operator must set the type
around the illustration or photograph, if we use
one; then the majeup must be done. But before all
this can take plast I msut have a dummy of the mat-
erial I am going to use. What I am saying is that
tiem might run out on me as I go to press in
November if I expect ot mail it two or three weeks
before Christmas.

I hoep that I'm nto taking any liberties; I
don't mean to. Trust that I'll hear from you, ac-
cordingly, I am,

Respectfully yours,
Michael F. Coggins, Jr.
Editor of THE MENTOR


(seq. 40)

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts

REUBEN L LURIE Commissioner


Published for and by the Inmates at the
Massachusetts State Prison
Charlestown 29, Mass.

October 2, 1953

Dr. Mirian Van Waters
Box 99 Reformaory
Framingham, Massachusetts

Dear Dr. Van Waters :-

In August, I addressed a letter to you in-
quiring whtether you would care to write. Christ-
mas mssage to the men, etc., as the Mentor staff
beleived that the men would enjoy being remmebered
at Christmas time by you and others.

Therefore, I find it necessary to inquire
again if it could be possible to obtain one from
you because preparations must be taken before it
can be published, e.g.c it may need to be illust-
rated,t eh linotype operator must set the type
around the illustration or photograph, if we use
one; then the majeup must be done. But before all
this can take plast I msut have a dummy of the mat-
erial I am going to use. What I am saying is that
tiem might run out on me as I go to press in
November if I expect ot mail it two or three weeks
before Christmas.

I hoep that I'm nto taking any liberties; I
don't mean to. Trust that I'll hear from you, ac-
cordingly, I am,

Respectfully yours,
Michael F. Coggins, Jr.
Editor of THE MENTOR
