Marion King Schlefer Recipe Collection, 1793-1826 (inclusive). A/S339, Folder 1, Schlesinger Library, Radcliffe Institute, Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass.



(seq. 81)
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(seq. 81)

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Last edit almost 4 years ago by c_reid
(seq. 82)
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(seq. 82)

Reciept for [worms?] 1 Rest rhubarb - Sinna - worm seed Calcined Hartshorn - of Each an Equal quantity - well powdered and mix'd 30 grains of the above mixture taken in the morning - [hasting?], at least 2 hours before Breakfast - 3 following mornings then stop 3 mornings - then continue 3 mornings - then Rest 3 mornings and proceed the 3 following mornings which makes 9 powders to be taken in 15 Days - under [4?] years half a powder will be sufficient. To any age If a powder produces more than 3 motions Reduce the Quantity -

Last edit about 4 years ago by emilyzurek
(seq. 83)
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(seq. 83)

N [?] [Lamb?] Reciept for the [?]eh-

Take 2 Table spoonful of the flour of sulphur one ditto of gunpowder, one ditto of ginger one ditto black peper - are nut [?] 1/2 ounce salt [petre?] 1/2 pint of Old brandy - stw these ingredients well - when cold mix in as much hoys lard as will make it into an Ointment - Rub the Joints, soles of the feet and palms of the hands half an hour before the fire - before going to bed - three nights will be sufficient - the patient must not be exposed to Cold or [Lamps?] and it is [necesary?] to take sulphur and [Cream?] Tartar for a week -

Last edit about 4 years ago by emilyzurek
(seq. 84)
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(seq. 84)

A Reciept for the [Rhuematium?] take the leaves of the prikly pear pick out the briars - split them - and put a single lair of them in a frying pan with a small quantity of [sharp?] vinegar a table spoonful of fine salt - one tea spoonful of balsam [capic?] - or balsam - fry them over a moderate heat - rub the joints [?] parts affected at least twice a Day with the [lignon?] - then take out four pieces of the leaves and bind them [warm?] on the wrists, and soles of the feet Changing them morning and Evening untill the Cure be Effected - During the application of it - His [necfo?] any several Times in the Day to take a [?] of [stama?] ick Cordial - such as spiken and - or other warming Herb - in wine, or spirits should the application, cause a weak [?]

Last edit about 4 years ago by emilyzurek
(seq. 85)
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(seq. 85)

in the Joints - be not alarm'd - the strength will speedily returna receipt for [blacking?]a [brenk?] just cup of [blacking?] lamb [black?] - a gill of whiskey a pint of vinegar - 2. Ye as [youns?]=[?] of brown sugar - mixed well Together -

Last edit about 4 years ago by emilyzurek
Displaying pages 81 - 85 of 88 in total