Recipe book collection: Wellcome Collection

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Wellcome Collection: Receipt-Book, 17th-18th century (MS.4054)

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The properties of the afore said water

The afore said water is restorative of all principal members a preserver of all pestilential diseases as the palsy, dropsy spleene, yellow or Black lander, for all agues hot or cold, for all manner of swellings, sorrows, melancholy, or flegme, It strengthen and confort all the vital spirits or springs, of ye. Braines heart or stomach by taking thereof 3 spoonfull att a time by it self or in bear ale or wine & by putting a - pretty quanitity of sugar, It help digestion, break, the winds stop the laske and binds not, it greatly helps heart burning & quickens the memory. Take of this water 3 spoonfulls in a day, one at morning one at noone & one at night.

A most Excellent Milk water for a Consumption Take a gallon of new milk with a manchet sliced thin & 16 egg with the yolks & while beaten very well together & 4 or 5 blades of large mace and one nuttmeg sliced, one hand -full of the tops of balme and as much of the tops of spirmints and a handfull of sweetmajoran, a quartet of a pound of Eringo's roots candid, as much of candid citron's peel & two pennyworth of safran. Putt all these into a cold still, now and then stirring, else t'will burn too, soe draw it of in glas botles with a lump of double refin'd sugar in each botle when t'is distilled stirr it all together in a Bason, and heighten it with a little spirit of wine; and drink a quarter of a pinte of it in the morning fasting and at 4 a clock in the afternoone and fast an houre after it. If you please you may add earthworms & snailes.

To make Orange or Lemon's water Take a Hundred & twenty Oranges or Lemons and 4 gallons of Brandy, cutt of the outer rings of them thin and putt them into ye Brandy and lett them steep 24 hours; then stick them in a cold still, mix all the waters together and when it is cold sweeten it with double refin'd Sugar or white sugar candy, If you parfume it putt a grain of [musck] & two grains of Amgregris together in a piece of tifany & tye it to the mouth of ye. Still, & lett the water drop thorow it. Some lett the oranges steep a full Month in as much brandy as will cover them, and then add as much or more of the best sherry-sack and so still it.



Triacle Water Take Burrage flowers; Marygold flowers; Buglose flowers; of each 2 ounces; Rosmary flowers and tops 2 ounces; Cardus one ounce; Angelica roots one ounce; Citrons pells once ounce; tormentill roots one ounce; cyprus roots one ounce; Elecampana one ounce; one pound of the best Venice triacle; Damask rose water 3 pints; hartshorne one ounce; putt to these a gallon of strong white wine and distill it in a cold still.

An Universal and Aprov'd Palsey Water Take of Lavender's flowers stript from the stalks as much as will go into a glass of 2 gallons, and putt on them the best strong proofe spirit of wine with Brandy extraordinary good. then take flowers of sage; Burrage; Century; Mallilot, flowers; Agnus castus; Marygold; Pomgranatt; Orange; flowers of Camomille; Thime; Hysope; Sweet Marhoran; of each too moderate handfull. These are to be infused in Malmedie or lachrima Christi 6. weekes. Then putt Cardamanes, cabebes, cinamon, nuttmegs, mace, and Ginger, ye. Yellow of citron pills of each of them 2 ounces. These are to be infused likewise in pure spirit o wine, these putt together one Month; then take Balme, Mother-worth, violets, Cowships-- Maiden-haire, Ditany of Creete, Spikenard of each 3 handfull, next lignum aloes, Gum Arabick, Saiapelum, Opopianax, B. Dellium Radir Serpentaria, Giacum chips, Mummy, Sparagda stone of - each one ounce; and infuse these six weekes. Then take Magistery of pearls, corall volatile, salt of Ameber, musk and ambregris two grains, Saphir, yellow and read sander, Read dryed roses, of these an ounce, those putt into a [glap] with 3 quarters of Aqua profiladua, which must stand in the same 3 Months att least in which time it will be exhaused to a very small quantity, but that which remains will retaine the physicall quantity of ye while, These putt all together; you must still about Michael mass but be sure to keep them very close (it must Be in a [balneo maria] for if the spirits are not kept close. the whole is spoiled) but the least care will prevent that. The Vertues

Last edit 5 months ago by Julia
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An approuved water against the stone.

Take Saxifrage, pelletory of the wall, parsley, Mother juice of each 5 handfull, Radish or the quantity of them in Horsradishs, Lett them be washed, sliced with the hearbs; Dry them in a cleane cloath and - bruise them in a mortar; then putt both Radishs & hearbs in an Earthen pott with 4 quartes of new Milk from the cow, cover the pott close, lett them stand 24 houres, and then distill it in two stills with a soft fire, It must be stilled in the midle of May. You must take it 3 mornings together in each Month thorough the year either att New or full of ye. moon, or oftner if need requires, when you take it mix 5 spoonfull of this water with as much white wine with nuttmegg & sugar warme together walking or using some moderate escercise after it.

The Citron's water, the Lady Newton's way. ake 5 great citrons, pare the Rindes thin of and take the Rindes - and the seeds cutt in small peeces; and steepe them together in a gallon of sack twelve or 13 dayes in a close covered vessell; Then distill them in a - glass still, & lett it drop on white sugar Candy. You may add some perle & ambergreece if you please, and this is the true way of making citron's water

For Convulsions

Take Beanes when the bloome is fallen of & the beane is coming in the - husk; still them twice & give a spoonfull att a time

Another water for the stone.

Take in the latter end of June so much Saxifrax as being distilled will - yeilde a Botle of water, then so soone as hawses be ripe take a peck of them, & bruise them very well, then putt into them your water of Saxifrax & 3 quartes of white wine and as much new milk, then take of parsley and of polipodis of each 3 handfull, beate & bruise them as you did your hawses, then mix them all very well together & so distill them so long as any water will distill. This water must be taken att first 3 or 4 spoonfull with so much white wine, but if you be occasioned to take it often, then take it without wine or with very litle this will keepe 2 yeares in full strenght.

A stomach water

Take a still full of spearmint & putt to it as much sack as will cover it, and so still it.

Another water for the stone.

Take Saxafrage, pellitory of the wall, Marsh-malloes leaves of each 4 handfull the roots of grass cept harrow, Marsh-malloes & fennil roots each a quarter of a pod. fresh & ripe strawberries, 2 pints, of brane shells six handfull cutt, Bruise them all in a stone mortar, very well sprinkling upon it half a pinte of white wine a pinte of new milk & six ounces of pure honey. Putt all together into a cold still & so still them over a gentle fire. Take the quantity of a quarter of a pinte with a spoonfull of oyle of sweet almonds 2 mornings together twice in a Month.



For a Cough or Consumption

Take of read cow, striking, a quarte of choice muscadine 1. pinte, of raisins of the sun, half a pod. of choice blew corrints half a pound, of Dates 1 . ounce, choice cinamon half an ounce liquorish two ounces, any seeds one ounce. Steepe all there in the wine & milk 16 hours att least often stirring them then distill them gently in Balnes Maria. The corrints and Raisins must be picked & rubbed but not washed, the raisins stoned, the dates sliced, the cinamon & liquorish bruised but not beaten. The doze is six spoonfull to be taken first & last, however you may as often as you please, & sweeten it with white sugar candy beaten as sweet as you like it. the sweeter the better.

An excellent water for a Consumption & cough of ye Lungs

Take a runing cock and kill him, when he is almost cold cutt him abroad by the back, and take out the intrals & wipe him cleane; then cutt him in quarters & breake the bones, then putt it into such a still as you still rosewater with - one quarte of sack on pod of corrints, on pod of raisins of the Sun, the - stones being taken out, a quarter of a pod of dates, the stones taken out & ye dates cutt small, 2 handfull of wild thym, as much arganum, 2 handfull of pimpernell, as much rosemary flowers, buloses flowers & burrages flowers of each 2 handfull, fennell rootes, parsly rootes the piths taken out, the leafes of endif siccory, colesfoot, maiden-hairs of each one handgull, figgs anyseed liquorish of each 3 ounces, Beate all these small, then take a botle of new - milk of a read cow & still all these things with a still fire & putt into ye glass that the water doth droppe into, half a pod of sugar candy beaten very - small, one book of leafe gold cutt very small amongst the sugar, 4 grains of amber-greece. Mingle the strong with the small & drink thereof 4 spoonfull - att a time in the morning fasting, & an houre before supper, shake the glasse - about when you drinke it. When the time of the year is that you can - -not gett teh hearbs, you may still it without them.

A cordial water against Melancholy. DrWright

Take of Cowslips one pod of the flowers of Rosemary one pod of burrage flowers as much, munchey rubarb roots half a pod. Buglose roots half a pod peppins & raw quinces a pod Quices marmelad a pod hald a dragme of saffron, slice the roots after they have been washed, then putt all these things into a great glass & putt to them an equal proportion of white wine & black cherries water, & stop the glasse & lute it close wiht paper, Then sett it in a horse dunghill for 10 days, this sill it in a glasse still.

Last edit 5 months ago by Sgengle
Needs Review




of the uice of Iermander, & putt 3 or 4 drops therof 4 times in the day then it cureth all deafness of what cause soever, it cureth watery & bleered eyes; It cures clarifies restrains & comforts, if you wash them therewith twice or thrice a day all Imposthumes and ulcers & other superfluitees, it restrains & fortifie & make the teeth while if thereby you washe the Roofe of the teeth, all wounds in the head tho they be deepe are cureth with ye same oyle if therewith you washe it twice or thrice a day; It cures all fistulas, Cankers, nolime tangere, the Kings evills & every other eating soares if you washe the same therewith twice or thrice a day. It heales all kind of goutes if you wash or anoynt them therewith so that they come of a cold cause laying a linnen cloth dipt therein vpon the grieved place. It helpes all stroakes either by falls or otherwise if you anoyn it. It helps ye hemoroids & fundament that goes forth & makes it tarry in its place. It helpes the Palsey & all weakness in the members. Know that it is most hott & of such penetration that if you putt one drop thereof in the hand, by & by it penetrated the hand without any hurt, and you shall not feele any swelling of the feet or paine in the Ioynts if you anoynt the same therewith, it will helpe if you dippe a linnen cloth therein & plaster it thereunto, Briefly if you will vse it, it cures all cold disseases & griefs & all disseases coming of a cold cause of flegme and corrupt blood, this was found in the Abby of Elson in Lincolnshire & translated.

The Wallnutt's Water. called the Water of Life. Take wallnus in the beginning of June; Beate the greene huske shells and Kernells very well in a mortar, then still them in a still of lead, keepe that water by its selfe. Then gather more walnuts about the midsummers day, and vse them as you did the other & keepe that water by it selfe also, Then about a fortnight after that which will be a weeke within July, gather more wallnuts & use them as you did both the other keeping that also by itselfe. then take one quarte of each water & putt it together and distill it in a stillatory of glasse & keepe it close stopped for you vse. This water healeth all manner of Dropsey & palsey, being drunk with white wine fasting. It is good for the eyes if you drop one drop thereof into them. It is good to help the conception of a woman, if she drinke one spoonfull a day in white wine. It will make one's face very fine if it be washed therewith. It is excellent for infirmities within the body, driving out of it all corruptions if it be drink moderately either in wine or water It killeth worms in the body either drunk in wine or by its selfe. And if wine has lost his colour, putt a litle Vyall full of this water into it & within 4 days it will rectify it again. Whoever drink of this water continually shall live as long as nature may well continue in them.



To make Spirit of Clare. Still a botle of Clare flowers water in a simple still, putt the water in a depe galley-pott; putt to it a pack of Clare flowers first bruised in a stone mortar; stopp your pott close & sett it in a pott of water & keep it hott two days, but not to boile; then straine them out and putt in as much more, & so doe 3 times, Then add to your liquor a botle of good sack, and so putt it into a glasses still, & draw it off with a soft fire; you may draw it vntill it is of such a strenght as you like; then add to it as much white sugar candy (being beaten & searcht) as will sweeten it to your taste, & laying in it amber-greece & musk tyed up in a Tiffany; stop your glasse close, stirr it every day vntill all the sugar be melted, soe lett it stand a fortnight, Then straine it out & putt it up in glasses.

The Lady Liggin's her water. The halfe a dozen pod of black cherries, and one handfull of prunellas and one handfull of woodvine leaves & one handfull of Bryers leaves & one handfull of strawberries leaves, Beate your cherries with the stones, & putt all these hearbs together in a stone mortar; Then take foure quartes of new milk & putt it to them & so distill them. Lett the patient drinke half a pinte int the morning and half a pinte att night; you may take more of the prunellas & Bryer then of the other. A milk water for one whose water is blood, heats or sharpen Take new milk from the cow as much as will fill an ordinary Rose still, to every quarte you must putt in two whites of eggs beaten very well before you putt them in. Then distill them gently, once in halfe an houre lift vp the head of your still so high as to breake the creame that will keepe the water from rising; Distill it till the milk be thick like a thin costard. Then drincke every morning & night or when you please a large draught of this water with fine sugar sweeten to your owne taste, this never fade, you may take it as long as you please. but when noe blood appeares leave out the whites of eggs they are to cold for some stomach.

To make Rasberries wine white. Take Rasberries and putt them into a cold still, and Distill them, then mingle that water with white wine. which makes very good Rasberries wine.

Rue water. Take your rue of it be green & lett it lay 3 days, then pull of the leaves from ye great stalks & cutt it small, so putt it into half white wine & half brandy, make your wine & brandy of a reasonable thickness with your leaves, so putt it into your still & lute it up, & the next day still it. Dry rue will still thus very well.

Last edit 5 months ago by Katie Holly
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Last edit 5 months ago by Julia
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Last edit 5 months ago by Julia
Needs Review


173 Heat 3 gallons of Spring Water near boiling put in all these, except maidenhair and Raisins, let them infuse 12 hours kept hot on a soft fire not to boyle; then put in the maid-denhair and Raisins & boile it till it com to 2 gallons then lett it stand and cool 2 hours stil covred, then strai-ne it, and when tis cold then botle it vp. Drink half a pinte or more morning & Evening, eating after it some Raisins or figgs or light biskits. Then take these Ingredients and putt 3 Gallons of Spring Water hott to them, let them infuse 6 or 8 hours as before well covred then boyle it till half is almost wasted, adding 1/2 pound of raisins 3 ounces of barley, one penny worth of aniseeds and fennel seed, let them stand 2 hours as before wel covered; Straine it through a Hair Seive and drinck this with your meat. Eat no Salt meat, no Spoon meat Drink this for a month. It has cured Several altho Incurable by many Doctors. Keep the settlings of that botles to bath your leggs or any part afflicted, with it rub-bing it downward. From Mistress Koningsby The Lady Cottones sear cloth for a sprain or bruise Take one pint of sallet oyle half a pound of red lead uery finely beaten a quarter of a pound of populin a quarter of a pound of virgins wax one ounce of oyle of roses one ounce of oyle of Camoile boyle all these till they look black keeping itt sttirring itt till itt is cold. spread itt on lambskin when you vse itt. giuen mee by Mistress Coningsby for a Dropsie Take a gallon of white wine and put into it a handfull of Roman wormwod and a god piece of Horse Radish and a good quantity of Broom Ashes tyed in a Cloth then take a good bunch of Dwarf Elder beat it in a Morter and strain out the Iuice and put into the wine when you will drink it put but if the Elder be dry you must steep a good quantity in the wine take of this half a pint Morning and Euening Doctor Dickinsons Instruchons of the Iesuitts Bark given to the Countess 174 of Danby. The most afectuall way of using the Bark being first brought into Powder is Either made into Pills or made up into the forme of a Bolus Generally People take itt best made into Pills becauss the bitterness of the madiuine is not troublesome in that form some who can swallow Bolus very well do chooss to take it in way of a Bolus becausee the whole quantity of the dose which is requisite can be sooner taken this way then in Pills which way is most usefull when the fits returning evary day do not give sufficient time between fitt & fitt for the taking of the requiered, number of Pills let on Ounce of fine Powder be made up into the Consistance of Pills with syrup of Clovegilli flowres or some other Cordiall syrup make it up with as little as may be that they may not brak or dissolue in the mouth The Ounce of itt is to be made up into four score & sixteen Pills & you must begin the use of them as soon as a fitt is over & to take so many of them at Each dose & at such Dissance of times that he may take at least Eight & forty before the time of the Ensuing Fitt so that so that if it take him affter the miener of a Quartanen this there will be time Enought to take that Number of them & yet take but a few of them at a time but if it seiseth him every other day he should take six of them every third hour that he may heve taken the dae Quntity svme time before the next Fitt time then he is to forbear takeing eny more if it till the next fitt time is ouer & after that whether he had a fitt or not his Lordship is presently to begin to Other Eight & forty Pills after the same method as before for though the first Pills shall remove the fitts as most comonly they do yet to prevent a sudden return the second Quantity is Necscarily taken they Other half Ounce of Bark for I advise they takeing of an Ounce & half at least is also to be made into Pills that the may be in readiness when they are to be vsed for these Aguish feavers whether Quartane Tertueis or Quartan they seamingly will remove do frequently return a gain at a fortnight or at a months and therfore to preent they relapse I have alwaiss & very sucvess fully advis'd my Patients to take a dram of they Powder made into Twelve Pills one day n a week for they first Month after they fitts have left them so wil 6 Pills in they morning & 6 in they affternoon about 5 or 6 of the Clock so that there will be a Months time to take theis 1/2 ounce of the Powder & if he shall rather take it in Bolus he must take thay same quantity between fitt & fitt & follow they same method afterwards wee do Generally Purge & frequently bleed before we give thise madieine but however I may safely advise him to take at they least a Glyster before that fitt after which fitt he is to begn his medson while he take this Inedicine 113

Last edit 5 months ago by cehannan
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Cookery To make a Cheese Take new Milk hott from the cow & first putt hott water into the tub to keep the heat then poure that out & putt in your milk and runnet, Sett it neare the fire, when it is com, whay it & putt it into a fatt fitt for it, Sett it in the the presse for halfe an houre, then take some hott water & slice it into that, So lett it laye for half an houre, then make it up again & - press it, turne it often & lett it stand in the press proportionably to ye height then salt it you may putt salt in the water. Some instead of hott water warme whay & slice it in that. then putt a lay of cured & a lay of salt. they cheese Keep 2 yeares. To Dresse a Carpe Take a quarte of Claret wine & one nuttmegg sliced some cloves & 2 [orz] stick of mace, take all the blood of the Carpe and an Onyon, Shied 10 or 12 cornes of pepper & putt as much salt as will season it, & take rosmary thym, sweet marjoran & the juice of half a lemon with the peel. Boile all these very well together, then take the Carpe & rub it over with salt that all the Scales come out, then slitt it quite thorow the midst, but first take out the gall, Keepe the Spawne & the fatt, then boile the Carpe in the wine as fast as you can in a large sawcepan till it colour, it must be [riest] covred with liquor then putt in half a - pound of butter and some Collops of [...] fried with sippets of bread, & lay in a dish, & lay in the Carpe upon them & pourse the liquor upon it, take out the hearbs & slice lemons upon it. To make Spirit of Meate Take the leane of a leg of Veale & the browne & white of a cock chicken or one of these for a need, wash them not but squeese out the blood with a cloth, cutt it into slices & string it upon a packthread with a peece of a raw quince or a lemon peele, hang it so in a stone milk pott, that it neither touch bottom nor side, the pott must have a bigg belly & holf about a (Botle?), then cover it close with a stone cover & shut it close - with paste, So sett it very upright in a pott of seething water, Keep it to an equall height & lett it distill eight hours, then poure the cleanest of it thorow a strainer, & while it is warme putt in a litle amber-greece - or read roses water & fine sugar to make it drinke, taking 2 or 3 spoon- full att a time. A lettice pye Make your pye, lay butter on the Bittim, then lay your Cabage lettices one by one, vut it must be before boiled a litle & sqyeezed between 2 trenchers then putt in mace & half pod of sugar, & lidd it up. When it is almostt - baked, put to it sack beaten with sugar & eggs, shake it togetherm lay on the lid & set it into the oven again. Cookery To make a Baked Pudding Take a quarte of Creame and boyle it, then take 3 Manchetsm slice them, put them into the Creame to soake, then putt to it halfe a hand - - full of flower, when it is cold putt into it 5 eggs, half a pound of - Corrints, one nuttmegg, a handfull of Sugar, a litle salt, stirr them - well together, then butter the dish & putt the pudding into it. It will be baked in half an houre, when it is baked putt into it a litle butter. A Scoth Scallop Take a fillet of Veale, cutt it into Slices & lard it with bacon, take winter Savory Marioran, thym and parsley, shread them very small, Season it with salt, strew the hearvs upon it, grate nuttmegg one touch og ginger 12 eggs six of the whites, Dipp the slices into the eggs and fry - it with butter but not browne, Rub the dish with garlick, take 4 - anchoves and dissolve them in claret wine & mix it with melted butter and sweese the jouce of a Lemon into it, & then poure it on the meat. To make a Carrott Pudding Take your Carrots & boie them, and to a pod of Carrot a pod of butter, & beate them very well together, then take a loafe of bread & grate it, then take a 3 gells of creame & putt it into the other things & half a pod - of Corrints with a litle muttmeff & cinamon. So bake it in a dishe with paste about it. A Tansey of Goosberries Fry your goosberries in Butter till they are soft, then poure on them your eggs & grated bread being sweetned & some rose water in it. Sauce for rosted pullet, capon or chicken Take gravy of mutton or beef that is cleare from the fatt, stew a sliced onion in it with the liver of your fowle, when it is almost roasted broken till it colour your gravy & is not in lump, when your fowle is rosted beate it up thick with a litle butter, if you will you may melt an anchove in your sauce & putt in a yolk or two of an egg. Sauce for a roasted Haire to make it tender Take the liver of your haire & mince it very small wiht some thym & winter savory, & make it up with an egg an onion & nuttmeg beaten - small, so putt it with a peele of bacon into the belly of the haire, to roast it & baste it either with water or milk till the blood is out & having some butter thick beaten with an onion mingle it together with the sauce. If you baste it with creame it is much better & it requires a quick fire & a good - deale of time to roaste it well.

Last edit 5 months ago by ecpointer
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