L.c.2117: Newsletter received by Mary Newdigate, Arbury, 1692 November 19

Bifolium. Addressed: "These To Madam Mary Newdigate att Arbury near Coventry Prsent." Endorsed: 19 Nov. 92. Postmarked: NO/19.





London 19th November 92

Sir Since my last we have received a fforreigne Maile which furnish vs with the following advice They write from Warsaw in poland of the 13o Instant that the Infidells did Certeinely raise the seige of Zorach on the 5th and that Collonel. Chinsky who Com mands 12 Troopes of polish Horse on the side of Badieck fought severall Thou sand Turks near Iosham the fight lasted 11 howers in which the Collonell received 3 woundes but double the number of Turkes he loosing halfe his men and obleiged them to retire to Seralim

Vienna November: 5th 20000 Turks have passed the Danube in order to fight Generall veterans - An express is arrived here from Belgrade giving an account that the prince vizier hath sent the Dutch Embassadors proposalls of peace to the Grand Seignour and wee shall soon know whether a peace [...] warr -

Paris 14th Instant The Prince of Denmark is come here and went Yesterday to the ffrench. King att versailles -

They write from Thoulon that a ffrench man of warr has brought in there an English streits Merchant ship

{This day the House of Commons read a Bill for regulating the Court of Chancery heard some appeales & then adjourned till Monday - The House of Commons read 3 Bills the first tyme & ordered a 2d reading viz one for Importing over land ffine [thram] silke The 2d for Enlarging the time for the new Invented Lights, The 3d for [Encreasing] Woolen Tapestry &c: Then the [Commen] made the report of the loss of 1500 Saile of ships some of them being made Defenceless by pressing the Men out}

Last edit about 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez


& his Maiestye has given the Commander 20000 Livers recompence -

The Privateers of Baile hath brought in 6 English prizes A privateer of St Malo has taken an English Virginia Ship and another from London having on board 13 Horses Designed for the Emperor -

They write from Versailes that the ffrench King hath offered to Ransome 1200 Mariners from Algiers of Divers Nations vpon Condition they will serue 3 yeares on board the ffleet

ffrom Leige in fflanders 15th Instant 3000 ffrench by break of Day surprized the subvrbs of Huy notwithstanding fireing from the Castle caryeing off most of the Drag gooned forces there - the ffrench are ffortifying Thuin and have pos sessed themselves of 2 Castles about Charleroy to straiten that Garrison.

Sir John Ashbey has de ferred his comeing to Town vpon advice that Sir Ralph Delavall on his way to Portsmouth to take care of the ffleet fell from his horse and broke 2 of his Ribbs

The Earle of Marleburough & the rest of the Committed Lords came yes terday to the Kings Bench & Mr Atturney Generall pursuant to an order from

{This Evening Admirall Russell & several sea Commanders were treated at Merchant Taylers Hall by the Lord Mayor had a most splendid supper = Sir Robert Hobnes who was re ported to be Dead some tyme since Dyed yesterday in good Earnest = this day Mr Tiley formerly of Bristoll outlawed in the late Reigne reversed the same in the Kings Bench = The house of peers this day presented the addresses to the King & Queen which were thanckfully received} the King descharged them from the Baile and the same was signifyed to the house of peers who forthwith went vpon Business and agreed vpon an Address to the King and another to the Queen ordering the Lords of the white [...] to know their Maiesties pleasure when they will be attended with the same --

Yesterday aYoung Gentlewoman in the Habitt of aMan petitioned the Queen for a Gratuity produceing Cer tificates that she had been most part of the last summer on board the St Andrew one of their Maiesties men of warr Especially in tyme of ffight with the ffrench -

ffalmouth the 29th Instant a ffrench privateer appearing lately before [Scilley] the Governour supposing her to be an English vessel sent out an Ensigne and some men who were noe sooner on board but the ffrench stript & turned them on shoa[...] againe -

Plymouth 15th Esquire Trevor is chosen a Member of parliament for this Town in roome of Sir George: Troby and the Lord [lorde] sone to the Lord Rochester is Elected a member of par liament for Lanceston in place of the Honorable Mr Harboard deceased -

Cowes 16: Instant the Iacobite priva teer of fflushing has brought in here 2 Considerable ffrench prizes

{Last night severall persons were robbed comeing from Kensington & a Gentleman of 3l was robbed as he came over Lincolns Inn ffields = on Thursday & yesterday 40000li has been [..ied] into the Exchequer by the Chamberlain of London being parte of 200000li the English desired to borrow of the Citye The Lord Sidney Lord Leuitenant of Ireland [...] here from that Kingdome next week with some of the Irish nobility}

Last edit about 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez


of them &c = Sir Iohn Ashbey attending the house was cal led in & Demanded ^of why he did not pursue & destroy the rest of the ffrench ships after the Engagement who said that having pursued them to the [Race] of Alderney the [Currentt] was soe strong that he gave a signall for the Commanders to come on board to advise & only 2 could make to him and they were possitively against it for there was but one pilott in 15 ships & the said pilot would not vndertake to carry them clear of the Rocks vpon the result the house Resolved that they were satisfyed with the Answer of Sir Iohn Ashby

These To Madam Mary Newdigate att Arbury near Coventry Per Coventry 4 Present Bagg

19 November. 92


Last edit about 2 years ago by Lucio Alvarez
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