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shakenge itt twice a day, then take a pinte of faire
water makenge itt into a Syrrupp, when itt is boiled
and scumd cleere take itt off the fire, strain lose
saffron from the Water, and powre the Syrrupp
hott to ye Cinamon Water, to keepe itt till itt is cold
and bottle itt; this is a greate cordiall, Insteade of
faire water wee comonly use, cowslippe Borrage Balme
or Angelica Water.

Against Pains, Aches, Stiches, or any other greifs
in the side Pa. 7

Take a white loafe new baked, and open itt in ye. middle
spreade itt well with good Treackle on both ye. halfs
heate itt att ye. fire, then lay one of ye halfes on the
pained part and ye. other on the other side directly
against itt, and soe binde them that they stirere not
for ye. space of a day and a night till the imposthume
breake, and then take away ye. breade and imediatly
ye patient will begin to spitt, and voide ye. putri
=faction of ye. Impostume, and after hee hath slept
a little you may give him some meate

For a Cold Pa. 62

Take live honey Inula campana, liquorish powder
browne sugar Candy Quince of each a spoonfull
mixe them well and take itt with a liquorice sticke
morneinge att 4 in ye. afternoone and goeine
to Bedde Mrs Beaumont

For a cold or cough in a horse

As much as a wallnutt shell of oyle of Bays binde
itt in a cloute with a threade and tye itt on the
bitt of ye. bridle, and before you water him ride

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