page 103




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To Preserve Walnuts

Take them iust before they haue any Shells, Pare
of thear Green Skin, so steep them in faire Water
for 9 dayes, changeing fresh Water twice a day, then
boyle them in 2 faire waters one after another tell
they ^be resonable tender, then Prick them thorow with
a Bodkin cros waye & longe waye, the length
way stick thorow itt a little shiuer of Cynamon, &
the length cross waye on each side a Cloue; then to a pound
of Nuts, take a pound of Suger & a pint of Water,
but boyle the Syrop a little first, then Coole it a litle
before you put in the Nuts (least they shrink) soe
boyle them togeather tell the Syrop is enough.
Some will at the end of boyling put in 2 or 3 Spoonfulls
of White Wine to keep it from Candiinge.

An other French waye is to preserue
them White, but not soe Cordiall

before the Nutts kernell, Pare them almost to the
kernell Place, etc: & stick them insteed of spice with
thin Slices of Green Cytron, & boyle with them a few
slices of Cytron to Lye Loose in thear Syrrop

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