



Status: Needs Review

Docter Lower for a Cancer the Purge to be taken once
a week

Take Sena pickt from the stalk 2 drams
salt of Tartar 20 Grains Nutmeg cut thin as much
as wil lye on a sixpence the outer Rinde of a Lemon
or orange as wil lye on a shilling Steep these all night
in ten spoonfulls of fair water upon warm Ashes.
strain it out in the Morning dissolving one ounce
Manna in it then strain it from the Manna sweeten
it with Surrup of Roses & take it warm with Broth or
possit drink in the working you may allow of the
syrrup more or less as occ requirss

The Diett Drink to be Drunk of continl constantly

Take a pint & half of Millipedes pickt washt &
bruised put them into a bag with Sage Leaves &
Fir tree leaves of each two handfulls bruised
infuse a pound of Sassaparilla in ten pints of
water in a pot seto close stopt twelve hours upon
warm Embers then boyl it to six pints strain
it when cold put it into a vessell of six gallons
of wel Brewed alle or Beer add half a pound
of Raisins of the Sun to these Ingredients after
four daies twill be fit to drink

The Milk Water to be taken at Pleusur

Take Dry Mint one handfull Ground Iuy three
handfulls three nutmegs sliced & Whites of Eggs
one pint wel betten Distill these in one Gallon
of new Milk in a common still to three quarts
sweeten as you use it with Balsamick syrrup

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