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3 revisions
Scarlett at Jan 02, 2023 03:30 PM


A drinke for the spleane:
Take Rhenshe wyne & the iner rinde of Ivie cut in peaces, lay it in the wyne all
nighte, put suger to it in the morninge, warme it & drinke it fastinge:

for the Coughe of the longes:–
Take aquarter of apynte of Elicompane water, as muche of horehounde water as muche
of the water of the red budds of the oke, but to all thes a quarter of a pownde of white
sugercandie, boyle it together, & skume it, let it boyle alittle awaye, take alittell quantitie
at once luke warme, If you can gett longe worte water put to a litell, it wilbe the better.

for a bruese well proved: –
Take orpine Rootes, a handfull of Comfrey, & ahandfull of daysie rootes, stampe them all
together, strayne out the Juice wth ale, & give to the patient to drinke bludd warme
eveninge & morning two or thre dayes.

for the wynde in the stomake
Take the toppes of Camamell, & boyle it in muskadyne, & wth sponges apply it to yor stomake
as hott as you can suffer it: –

A water for melancholye:
Take Rosemarye flowers, the leaves of balme, the stickes of synamon broken smale, lay them
in a lymbeck, a layinge of Rosemarye & balme, & a layinge of Sinamon, fill it almoste full
of white wyne, let the synamon be moste, it wilbe pleasant to drinke wth wyne or of it selfe.

for an impostume
Take apownde of sheepe suet & melt it, a pownd of [bruclyme], shred it & bruse it, put it into the
sheepe suet, & let it boyle an hower, sturr it diligentlye, streyne it, & put in it six sponefulls
of sallet oyle, & so much of aquavite & let it boyle a quarter of an hower.

A Powder for wynde in the stomake
Take anyseeds colliander & commen seed, steepe all these in gascoyne wyne all night, take
them oute & drye them in an oven, make a powder, & boyle it in an yor brothe or drinke
it, & it will helpe:

for the Coughe of the longes:–
Take horehound water a pottell, & asmuch Hope water, two handfulls ofo horehownd, two handfull
of Hope, a roote of Elicompane, boyle it agood while together, take to every pynt of water a pounde
of white sugar candye, boyle it till it come to a surope, & use it

A precious drinke for the palsey that hath bine proved:–
Take the longes of afoxe newe killed, lay it all night in new milke, & Rosemary flowers & leaves,
a great quantitie, a handfull of harts tonge, take away the stringe that goeth about the
backe of the leafe, agood quantitie of buglas, & afewe smale Reisons, still all thes toge-
ther, & when it is 40 dayes ould drinke it morninges fastinge.

for a payne in the stomake
Take a quarte of Ale & agood handfull of grounsill, & a handfull of Currants, boyle all
thes together from aquarte to apynte, then strayne it & drinke it in the morninge
fastinge & it will make you vomitt.

An oyntement for the Stomake
Take apynte of very good sallet oyle, & thre or fower sponefull of white wyne vyneger & of
redd mynts a good handfull, of wormewoode a good handfull, cloves, mace, & ginger, of eache
of them an ownce, in grosse powder, shred the herbes finelye, & temper them together
in a cleane pott, & stopp it fast, & so seathe it in a pott or pann of water on the fier, so that
the water may cover more then half the pott, wherin the thinges be, & so boyle it fower
or five howers, renewinge the water so often as it waxeth could, strayne the oyle from
the other thinges hard & melt a quarte of puer waxe, & so put it into afayre glasse
pott, & every morninge when you Ryse heat some of it & anoynte yor stomake

for a takinge:
Take aquarte of thicke Creame, & apynte of Camamill let it boyle till it come to an oyle then
strayne it & use it.

To kill a heate wth one
Take a quarte of redd wyne, & a quarte of good mylke & still them together & drinke the water everye
morninge & Eveninge first & laste, & by gods grace it will helpe.

To make abalme for a wounde
Laye Rosemarye flowers in sallett oyle, & sonne it a& afterwards put St Johns worte in it & sonne it then
put clarett wyne in it & sonne it & ginger grated, & so use it.

for heate in the face
Take brimstone never melted, put it in aclothe & laye it in rose water, & set it on the fier, & when it
is warme washe yor face therwth

A water for the eyes:
Take a crowne wayght of Coppres, & thre Crownes wayght of Suger Candye thre egges boyld harde
& the yolkes taken out, then make a hole in the bottom, & put in the Copres & suger & it will droppe
then take thre droppes of the water & eight droppes of rose water, & put in yor eyes: you make oyle
of mer this waye for the spotts in the face –

To make ague water: –
Take thre gallons of white wyne, of Angelica, Dragons, wormewoode, Salendine, pimpernell, betonye
Scabious, egremony, Sage, tyme, Rosemarye, verven: of eache ahandfull, lay all thes two dayes &
two nights in the wyne & styrre them two or thre tymes adaye, then putt it in astill & still it
wth agentill fier, takinge heed it burne not to; & so keepe it.

A Soveraine Jellye for a Consumption
Take a well fleshed capon, scald him, & drawe him, & put in his belly a handfull of barleye &
asmuche reysons corrants & dates, & put him in an Earthen pott wth agallon of clarett wyne & so
put in him aquantitie of Synamon & ginger, & let hit seeth till the fleshe be fallen from the
bones, then beate him in a morter, & when he is well beaten, put him in an Iporras bagge &
strayne let the Jellye come into afayer vessell, & geve the patient therof at morninge, noone
& night warme, wth the yolkes of the egges newe layde, & by the spendinge of thre capons
thus used, by the assistance of god, the patient shall recover health: & fourther to Comfort his
stomake give him of Aromaticú rosarú made into losenges: probat:

To cleanse the backe:–
Takw two good nuttmegges, pricke them full of holes wth a needle, lay them in white vineger all a
nighte, & in the morninge wrapp them in a wett browne paper, & roste them in the imbars till
they be throughlye dried, then beate them into powder as fine as flower, & every morninge &
Eveninge drinke of it luke warme wth Ale, & in any wyse let yor nuttmegges be could before
you beate them, for otherwise they will not be powder. this is very good to cleanse the
backe, the kydneyes, & to make on pysse.

for the Collicke & Stone & for the moother
moost principall

Take fennell seedes, Corriander Seedes, carraway Seedes, parselye Seedes, gallingale Seedes, & grommell
Seedes, of every one of them an ownce, of the leaves & Coddes of Seene, a quarter of an
ownce, a quarter of an ownce of spinnell, a quarter of an ownce of tyme, make all thes
into powder, & serse them through a searser & so drinke them in good Ale or white wyne first
& ;aste, & in all manor of sawces you use wth yor meate, & this medicen by gods helpe shall
heale for it hath bine often proved.

To make Jelly for the restoringe of a weake body wthout any
anoyance of the Stomake or inflaminge the lyver

first take a well flesht Capon or Cocke not very fatt, scald & dress him very fayer, then splatte
him into fower quarters takinge out all the intrayles, & also the little harde kydneyes in the [lyde
of 15]


A drinke for the spleane:
Take Rhenshe wyne & the iner rinde of Ivie cut in peaces, lay it in the wyne all
nighte, put suger to it in the morninge, warme it & drinke it fastinge:

for the Coughe of the longes:–
Take aquarter of apynte of Elicompane water, as muche of horehounde water as muche
of the water of the red budds of the oke, but to all thes a quarter of a pownde of white
sugercandie, boyle it together, & skume it, let it boyle alittle awaye, take alittell quantitie
at once luke warme, If you can gett longe worte water put to a litell, it wilbe the better.

for a bruese well proved: –
Take orpine Rootes, a handfull of Comfrey, & ahandfull of daysie rootes, stampe them all
together, strayne out the Juice wth ale, & give to the patient to drinke bludd warme
eveninge & morning two or thre dayes.

for the wynde in the stomake
Take the toppes of Camamell, & boyle it in muskadyne, & wth sponges apply it to yor stomake
as hott as you can suffer it: –

A water for melancholye:
Take Rosemarye flowers, the leaves of balme, the stickes of synamon broken smale, lay them
in a lymbeck, a layinge of Rosemarye & balme, & a layinge of Sinamon, fill it almoste full
of white wyne, let the synamon be moste, it wilbe pleasant to drinke wth wyne or of it selfe.

for an impostume
Take apownde of sheepe suet & melt it, a pownd of [bruclyme], shred it & bruse it, put it into the
sheepe suet, & let it boyle an hower, sturr it diligentlye, streyne it, & put in it six sponefulls
of sallet oyle, & so much of aquavite & let it boyle a quarter of an hower.

A Powder for wynde in the stomake
Take anyseeds colliander & commen seed, steepe all these in gascoyne wyne all night, take
them oute & drye them in an oven, make a powder, & boyle it in an yor brothe or drinke
it, & it will helpe:

for the Coughe of the longes:–
Take horehound water a pottell, & asmuch Hope water, two handfulls ofo horehownd, two handfull
of Hope, a roote of Elicompane, boyle it agood while together, take to every pynt of water a pounde
of white sugar candye, boyle it till it come to a surope, & use it

A precious drinke for the palsey that hath bine proved:–
Take the longes of afoxe newe killed, lay it all night in new milke, & Rosemary flowers & leaves,
a great quantitie, a handfull of harts tonge, take away the stringe that goeth about the
backe of the leafe, agood quantitie of buglas, & afewe smale Reisons, still all thes toge-
ther, & when it is 40 dayes ould drinke it morninges fastinge.

for a payne in the stomake
Take a quarte of Ale & agood handfull of grounsill, & a handfull of Currants, boyle all
thes together from aquarte to apynte, then strayne it & drinke it in the morninge
fastinge & it will make you vomitt.

An oyntement for the Stomake
Take apynte of very good sallet oyle, & thre or fower sponefull of white wyne vyneger & of
redd mynts a good handfull, of wormewoode a good handfull, cloves, mace, & ginger, of eache
of them an ownce, in grosse powder, shred the herbes finelye, & temper them together
in a cleane pott, & stopp it fast, & so seathe it in a pott or pann of water on the fier, so that
the water may cover more then half the pott, wherin the thinges be, & so boyle it fower
or five howers, renewinge the water so often as it waxeth could, strayne the oyle from
the other thinges hard & melt a quarte of puer waxe, & so put it into afayre glasse
pott, & every morninge when you Ryse heat some of it & anoynte yor stomake

for a takinge:
Take aquarte of thicke Creame, & apynte of Camamill let it boyle till it come to an oyle then
strayne it & use it.

To kill a heate wth one
Take a quarte of redd wyne, & a quarte of good mylke & still them together & drinke the water everye
morninge & Eveninge first & laste, & by gods grace it will helpe.

To make abalme for a wounde
Laye Rosemarye flowers in sallett oyle, & sonne it a& afterwards put St Johns worte in it & sonne it then
put clarett wyne in it & sonne it & ginger grated, & so use it.

for heate in the face
Take brimstone never melted, put it in aclothe & laye it in rose water, & set it on the fier, & when it
is warme washe yor face therwth

A water for the eyes:
Take a crowne wayght of Coppres, & thre Crownes wayght of Suger Candye thre egges boyld harde
& the yolkes taken out, then make a hole in the bottom, & put in the Copres & suger & it will droppe
then take thre droppes of the water & eight droppes of rose water, & put in yor eyes: you make oyle
of mer this waye for the spotts in the face –

To make ague water: –
Take thre gallons of white wyne, of Angelica, Dragons, wormewoode, Salendine, pimpernell, betonye
Scabious, egremony, Sage, tyme, Rosemarye, verven: of eache ahandfull, lay all thes two dayes &
two nights in the wyne & styrre them two or thre tymes adaye, then putt it in astill & still it
wth agentill fier, takinge heed it burne not to; & so keepe it.

A Soveraine Jellye for a Consumption
Take a well fleshed capon, scald him, & drawe him, & put in his belly a handfull of barleye &
asmuche reysons corrants & dates, & put him in an Earthen pott wth agallon of clarett wyne & so
put in him aquantitie of Synamon & ginger, & let hit seeth till the fleshe be fallen from the
bones, then beate him in a morter, & when he is well beaten, put him in an Iporras bagge &
strayne let the Jellye come into afayer vessell, & geve the patient therof at morninge, noone
& night warme, wth the yolkes of the egges newe layde, & by the spendinge of thre capons
thus used, by the assistance of god, the patient shall recover health: & fourther to Comfort his
stomake give him of Aromaticú rosarú made into losenges: probat:

To cleanse the backe:–
Takw two good nuttmegges, pricke them full of holes wth a needle, lay them in white vineger all a
nighte, & in the morninge wrapp them in a wett browne paper, & roste them in the imbars till
they be throughlye dried, then beate them into powder as fine as flower, & every morninge &
Eveninge drinke of it luke warme wth Ale, & in any wyse let yor nuttmegges be could before
you beate them, for otherwise they will not be powder. this is very good to cleanse the
backe, the kydneyes, & to make on pysse.

for the Collicke & Stone & for the moother
moost principall

Take fennell seedes, Corriander Seedes, carraway Seedes, parselye Seedes, gallingale Seedes, & grommell
Seedes, of every one of them an ownce, of the leaves & Coddes of Seene, a quarter of an
ownce, a quarter of an ownce of spinnell, a quarter of an ownce of tyme, make all thes
into powder, & serse them through a searser & so drinke them in good Ale or white wyne first
& ;aste, & in all manor of sawces you use wth yor meate, & this medicen by gods helpe shall
heale for it hath bine often proved.

To make Jelly for the restoringe of a weake body wthout any
anoyance of the Stomake or inflaminge the lyver

first take a well flesht Capon or Cocke not very fatt, scald & dress him very fayer, then splatte
him into fower quarters takinge out all the intrayles, & also the little harde kydneyes in the [lyde
of 15]