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4 revisions
Scarlett at Dec 21, 2022 10:29 AM


4. Callominte water is good for the stomake.
5. Sentory water is good for an appetite, for the liver & milke, for wormes, & for asawry fleame in the face.
6. Dragon water is good to wasge venimis woundes wthall.
7. Dittany water is good agaynste poyson, pestilence, & other diseases.
8. Endive water, is good agaynste the dropsey, for the liver, Jaundis, & for the Stomake.
9. Fennell water is good to awake agreate body smale, & for the eyes.
10. Femitory water is good for the morphewe, scabbes, dropsey, liver, spleane, costivenes, & for pursines & for many other diseases.
11. Hope water is good for acoughe, Lunges, breast, pipes, ache of stomake & guttes, & for the pose, wth many others.
12. Horehounde water is good for coughe, the lunges, the breast, & collicke.
13. Plantan water is good agaynst the fluxe & hott dropsey.
14. Violett water is good for the Reyms & liver, & also will coole aman that is thirstie.
15. Wormewoode water is good for the stomake liver & spleane, & also for wormes in the wombe, for dronkennes, for the feavers & other malidies.

A good medicen to coole & repell the reddnes of the face that proceedethe of heate of the liver
Take aquantity of Runninge water, & aquantitye of brimstone, & asmuch allam beaten smale together, putt them wth the water into aglasse, then stopp it fast, & so let it stand & every morninge & eveninge as you use it take a little out into a sawcer, & wth alinen ragge wash yor face therwth, & so let it dry in wthout wypinge.

An other for the same
Take white copres & seeth it in Runninge water, & let it stand till it be could, & then put therin alittle of the best Camphire, & use therof morninge & eveninge as before sayd.

An other for the same
Take alittle[ vinguentid albud] camphorated, & therwth anoynte yor face goinge to bedd & in the morninge washe off the same wth fayer water, & acamphire bale, & in shorte tyme it will amend.
Some say that the urine of the party greaved is good to washe the face & will keepe it from blemishes.

An other medicen to destroy a heate in the face althoughe it be St Anthonys face.
Take aquarte of smythes water, a handfull of sage, a handfull of [Elevine] leaves, of of the barke, a penny worthe of allam, & seethe them together from apottle to apinte, then put it into an earthen pott & anoynte the patient therwth

A medicen for a hott & hye collored face.
Take vyne leaves, strabery leaves, & creame, fower pennyworthe of Camphire, put them alltogether, & so distill them, & wth the water so stilled washe yor face for acertayne tyme, & it will helpe by the grace of god.

An other for the same
Take Cowcombers & pare them cleane & cut them into slices, & distill them, & wth the water washe yor face dayly thre or fower tymes adaye, & if you have none of the water, take the cowcombe beinge pared & rubb yor face therwth.
Also if the face be washed wth the water that risse is sodden in it takethe away the pimples & clenseth the face.

For the heate in the face.
Take the flowers of Rosemary or it self, & lett it lye astipe in white wyne twentie fower howers then drinke of the sayd wyne morninge & Eveninge.

Other good medicens to make the face fayer & to take away heate.
Milke distilled is very good, may dewe, plantan water, the Juce of lemons mingled wth salt, eche of thes are severally good beinge layd to the face.

An approved medicen for the french disease: Called the frenche pox:
Take sarsaparilla one unce & ahalf, sarsafras half an unce, very thine shaved the sarsaparilla muste be cleaved in the midst, then agayne devide thes peaces, then cutt them into peaces of an inche longe sett them to boyle in some convenient vessell, wth two gallons of fayer water, the pott very closely covered for the space of two howers, then put in on unce & ahalf of licoras scraped & brused, six drames of hermodartill shred into thinne peaces, wth on quarte of white wyne, then let it boyle on hower & a half more, then renewe the water as at first, that ther may be Just two gallons in the vessell, let it seethe after this restoringe it, but half an hower, & then adde thes followinge. Senne leaves two unces, [stechados] six drames, [adianthid] or maydenheare one handfull, bettony roots half ahandfull, Annyseedes, sweete fenell seeds, coriander seeds, of eche one unche, let it boyle after thes thinges put in lastly, not full aquarter of an hower, then remove it from the fier & let it settle thre or fower howers before it be streyned.

The order to be observed in the diet:
Imprimis most strictly must this drinke be taken as followethe: in the morninge betwixt six or seven of the clocke, drinke afowerthe part of awyne pinte of the drinke aforesayd warme, & about thre of the clocke in the after noone asmuche in like manor, & agayne late after supper asmuche likewyse, besides thes thre medicinable tymes, drinke at meales wth yor meate little or muche as yor appetite desireth but in any case drinke not any one sponefull of any other drinke, pottage, or sawce, if you doe all is not worthe the while therfore beware; good fleshe you may eate sometyme boyled, & some rosted, as doth like you, but in any case you must eate no salte, sometyme an egge you may eate but wthout salt; let yor bread be good fine white breade wth some seeds in it, it is not amisse, the quantity may be accordinge to yor appetite or rather moore, for in the more streinth yor body is kept, the sooner will healthe come, because that nature willbe able to put of that wch the medicine will carry out. I wish you could understand how assuredly I doe beleeve that this godwillinge, will helpe any one of how longe continuance soever, if aman may be credulous in any experience, then he may trust to this that I have proved above thre hundred tymes all wth very good successe; the tyme only must be endured wth patience, for it will in six weekes change & exchange the whole masse of blood & humors, but if it purge above five tymes in aday & night, then let ther be lefte out half an unce of senne, so that ther be but one unce & a half in the receipt, but all the other thinges.

A good medicen to preserve the eye sight.
Take green barly before it eareth, let it be cleane barly then distill it, & use dayly now & then to lay alittle on the eyes wth a cleane finger of that water & it will continue the sight.

An excellent medicine for any bourninge or scaldinge
First washe the wounde wth the water, as hott as you can suffer it, take sage & seethe it in runing water & it will take away the heate immediately, then take sage & hartes tonge, & sheepes donge, & fry it wth sheepe suett & anoynt the wounde wth afether, & let it lye still, then take sheepes dounge & drye it into powder & [strawe] it twice aday, & anoynte it twyce aday, but take heed of pickinge of any of it away, lest ther be holes in the skinne ever after, & to asswage the stiffenes when you can abide it no longer, then bathe it alittle in sage water, but the lesse bathinge the sooner it wilbe whole.

A speciall good poultesse for soare eyes that be much swelled & comethe by the rume.
Take aquantity of beane flower, some of an apple finely scraped, alittle womans milke of sorrell water, redd rose water, plantan water, of ech alittle quantitie, mixe all thes together, & make a powltesse therof, stricke it uppon afine linen cloth somewhat thicke, & put it to the patients eyes could.

An Excelent aproved medicine for any heate in the face
Take of Camphire, of Olibanum, of Sulpher fine, of each one ownce, beate them to very smale powder, if any of them in the beatinge decline to [pether] take out the smalest & beate the rest untill it be also very smale, take olso one very good nuttmegge & beate it as before then take thre ownces of good Capons greace clarified & put in all the powders therin, stir them well together & let them so remayne III or IIII dayes then put it upp into a gally pott for your usse. When you have neade therof, at your goinge to bed lye uppon your backe and anoynt your face well therwith, & let it dry in, in the morninge you may washe it off at your plesure, so usse at every night untill you have healp:

A very good Searcloth for all manner of heate for any burninge or scaldinge or to asswage the heate aboute any soore
Take of deare suett, of may butter, of Capons greace, of oyle of [figes] of honey, of wax, of allom, of Reed rosse water, of all this a [prety] quantitye accordinge to your discretion & to all this a quantitye of house-like, then sett them on the fier & let them boyle a quarter of an hower or better, then streyne them through a cleane cloth, after dipp your cloth into it [&] smoth them well with your hand agaynst the [fire] when it is could fowld it upp & keape it for your usse. one [varecloth] will [perne] IIII dressinges, if you wipe it cleane [play] the other side too:


4. Callominte water is good for the stomake.
5. Sentory water is good for an appetite, for the liver & milke, for wormes, & for asawry fleame in the face.
6. Dragon water is good to wasge venimis woundes wthall.
7. Dittany water is good agaynste poyson, pestilence, & other diseases.
8. Endive water, is good agaynste the dropsey, for the liver, Jaundis, & for the Stomake.
9. Fennell water is good to awake agreate body smale, & for the eyes.
10. Femitory water is good for the morphewe, scabbes, dropsey, liver, spleane, costivenes, & for pursines & for many other diseases.
11. Hope water is good for acoughe, Lunges, breast, pipes, ache of stomake & guttes, & for the pose, wth many others.
12. Horehounde water is good for coughe, the lunges, the breast, & collicke.
13. Plantan water is good agaynst the fluxe & hott dropsey.
14. Violett water is good for the Reyms & liver, & also will coole aman that is thirstie.
15. Wormewoode water is good for the stomake liver & spleane, & also for wormes in the wombe, for dronkennes, for the feavers & other malidies.

A good medicen to coole & repell the reddnes of the face that proceedethe of heate of the liver
Take aquantity of Runninge water, & aquantitye of brimstone, & asmuch allam beaten smale together, putt them wth the water into aglasse, then stopp it fast, & so let it stand & every morninge & eveninge as you use it take a little out into a sawcer, & wth alinen ragge wash yor face therwth, & so let it dry in wthout wypinge.

An other for the same
Take white copres & seeth it in Runninge water, & let it stand till it be could, & then put therin alittle of the best Camphire, & use therof morninge & eveninge as before sayd.

An other for the same
Take alittle[ vinguentid albud] camphorated, & therwth anoynte yor face goinge to bedd & in the morninge washe off the same wth fayer water, & acamphire bale, & in shorte tyme it will amend.
Some say that the urine of the party greaved is good to washe the face & will keepe it from blemishes.

An other medicen to destroy a heate in the face althoughe it be St Anthonys face.
Take aquarte of smythes water, a handfull of sage, a handfull of [Elevine] leaves, of of the barke, a penny worthe of allam, & seethe them together from apottle to apinte, then put it into an earthen pott & anoynte the patient therwth

A medicen for a hott & hye collored face.
Take vyne leaves, strabery leaves, & creame, fower pennyworthe of Camphire, put them alltogether, & so distill them, & wth the water so stilled washe yor face for acertayne tyme, & it will helpe by the grace of god.

An other for the same
Take Cowcombers & pare them cleane & cut them into slices, & distill them, & wth the water washe yor face dayly thre or fower tymes adaye, & if you have none of the water, take the cowcombe beinge pared & rubb yor face therwth.
Also if the face be washed wth the water that risse is sodden in it takethe away the pimples & clenseth the face.

For the heate in the face.
Take the flowers of Rosemary or it self, & lett it lye astipe in white wyne twentie fower howers then drinke of the sayd wyne morninge & Eveninge.

Other good medicens to make the face fayer & to take away heate.
Milke distilled is very good, may dewe, plantan water, the Juce of lemons mingled wth salt, eche of thes are severally good beinge layd to the face.

An approved medicen for the french disease: Called the frenche pox:
Take sarsaparilla one unce & ahalf, sarsafras half an unce, very thine shaved the sarsaparilla muste be cleaved in the midst, then agayne devide thes peaces, then cutt them into peaces of an inche longe sett them to boyle in some convenient vessell, wth two gallons of fayer water, the pott very closely covered for the space of two howers, then put in on unce & ahalf of licoras scraped & brused, six drames of hermodartill shred into thinne peaces, wth on quarte of white wyne, then let it boyle on hower & a half more, then renewe the water as at first, that ther may be Just two gallons in the vessell, let it seethe after this restoringe it, but half an hower, & then adde thes followinge. Senne leaves two unces, [stechados] six drames, [adianthid] or maydenheare one handfull, bettony roots half ahandfull, Annyseedes, sweete fenell seeds, coriander seeds, of eche one unche, let it boyle after thes thinges put in lastly, not full aquarter of an hower, then remove it from the fier & let it settle thre or fower howers before it be streyned.

The order to be observed in the diet:
Imprimis most strictly must this drinke be taken as followethe: in the morninge betwixt six or seven of the clocke, drinke afowerthe part of awyne pinte of the drinke aforesayd warme, & about thre of the clocke in the after noone asmuche in like manor, & agayne late after supper asmuche likewyse, besides thes thre medicinable tymes, drinke at meales wth yor meate little or muche as yor appetite desireth but in any case drinke not any one sponefull of any other drinke, pottage, or sawce, if you doe all is not worthe the while therfore beware; good fleshe you may eate sometyme boyled, & some rosted, as doth like you, but in any case you must eate no salte, sometyme an egge you may eate but wthout salt; let yor bread be good fine white breade wth some seeds in it, it is not amisse, the quantity may be accordinge to yor appetite or rather moore, for in the more streinth yor body is kept, the sooner will healthe come, because that nature willbe able to put of that wch the medicine will carry out. I wish you could understand how assuredly I doe beleeve that this godwillinge, will helpe any one of how longe continuance soever, if aman may be credulous in any experience, then he may trust to this that I have proved above thre hundred tymes all wth very good successe; the tyme only must be endured wth patience, for it will in six weekes change & exchange the whole masse of blood & humors, but if it purge above five tymes in aday & night, then let ther be lefte out half an unce of senne, so that ther be but one unce & a half in the receipt, but all the other thinges.

A good medicen to preserve the eye sight.
Take green barly before it eareth, let it be cleane barly then distill it, & use dayly now & then to lay alittle on the eyes wth a cleane finger of that water & it will continue the sight.

An excellent medicine for any bourninge or scaldinge
First washe the wounde wth the water, as hott as you can suffer it, take sage & seethe it in runing water & it will take away the heate immediately, then take sage & hartes tonge, & sheepes donge, & fry it wth sheepe suett & anoynt the wounde wth afether, & let it lye still, then take sheepes dounge & drye it into powder & [strawe] it twice aday, & anoynte it twyce aday, but take heed of pickinge of any of it away, lest ther be holes in the skinne ever after, & to asswage the stiffenes when you can abide it no longer, then bathe it alittle in sage water, but the lesse bathinge the sooner it wilbe whole.

A speciall good poultesse for soare eyes that be much swelled & comethe by the rume.
Take aquantity of beane flower, some of an apple finely scraped, alittle womans milke of sorrell water, redd rose water, plantan water, of ech alittle quantitie, mixe all thes together, & make a powltesse therof, stricke it uppon afine linen cloth somewhat thicke, & put it to the patients eyes could.

An Excelent aproved medicine for any heate in the face
Take of Camphire, of Olibanum, of Sulpher fine, of each one ownce, beate them to very smale powder, if any of them in the beatinge decline to [pether] take out the smalest & beate the rest untill it be also very smale, take olso one very good nuttmegge & beate it as before then take thre ownces of good Capons greace clarified & put in all the powders therin, stir them well together & let them so remayne III or IIII dayes then put it upp into a gally pott for your usse. When you have neade therof, at your goinge to bed lye uppon your backe and anoynt your face well therwith, & let it dry in, in the morninge you may washe it off at your plesure, so usse at every night untill you have healp:

A very good Searcloth for all manner of heate for any burninge or scaldinge or to asswage the heate aboute any soore
Take of deare suett, of may butter, of Capons greace, of oyle of [figes] of honey, of wax, of allom, of Reed rosse water, of all this a prety quantitye accordinge to your discretion & to all this a quantitye of house-like, then sett them on the fier & let them boyle a quarter of an hower or better, then streyne them through a cleane cloth, after dipp your cloth into it & smoth them well with your hand agaynst the [fire] when it is could fowld it upp & keape it for your