



Status: Incomplete

fier in a pewter dishe, and having [maskes ] cutt out of lynnen
clothe, dipped them in and make[ Ceare clothes] to lyne [maskes],
lett the wax and sperna ceti be equall in quantity

A [Reseipt] for the makinge of an oyle to cure any
greene wonnde made with [Sworde dagger][ Rinse]
or edgetoohe, wher noe bone is broken as also for
all hurtes by shott, Yt will also heale an ould vlter

Take three ponndes and a halfe of the very best oyle olive you Cann
gett for money, and provide three yunge whelpes lyvinge male
or female all is one so they bee under nyne days ould , the blacker
the better, then take of ordinary great wormes suche as Creepe.
Seeve and powre water on them still to make them [scowre ]and
Cheuse them selves And when you see them Cast any white
frothe, wipe of the same [scill], then when you shall find them to
bee very Cleane putt them into a pott or full quarte of white
wine, and ther lett them lye till the next morninge, And soe the[ thrid]
then putt the last wine with the wormes, the oyle, and the
whelpes lyvinge into a Kettell, and lett them boyle gently for A
good space over the fier, then take out the whelpes and mangell
them into gobbettes boanes and all, And putt them into the same
liquor againe, to boyle so longe till you may find the wyne to
be quite Confirmed whiche you shall perceve by puttinge A
smale sticke of fier therin, for if the liquor burne Yt is A
signe that the oyle [holdeth his] full power without chanecke
then take of the leaves of nicotiana (Whiche is the leaves of great tobacco) a good quantity bruse them (and havinge first
strained the former liquor throwe a lynen clothe) [Justuse]
distreined therunto. Then havinge so mingled all the former
ingredientes putt the same into a bottle & therto adde the flower
and pultis Aloes, And when you have occasion so vse the
same for a shotte, Take onely a lynen Ragge and out of the
bottle lett droppe a little of the oyle into A saucer and make
the same warme, And dippe your Ragge therin, and lay
the same vpon the the wonnde with out any tente or other
thinge therin vsed, save onely a thyne plaister to keepe Yt
fast and soe building Yt uppe dresse it oute a day.

for a wonnd by sworde or any other edge toole take a peece of
blacke wooll pulled from the backe, necke or ratherer the coddes
of a blacke Ramme onely carded without wastinge, And
dippe in the same oyle and lay it onely on the wonnde and
dresse Yt oute in flower and

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