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74 = x An excelent approued medicine to drine
away any Agooe.

Take one good handfull of baye salte & beate it
very smale in a morter, then put therin as many of the
biggest & strongest Cobwebbs as the bignes of fow[r]
fingers, beate them well together, then put them a good
handfull of smaledge newly gathered & cleane picked
& stampe them altogether very well, & when it is well
beaten take it out of the morter and put thervnto two
vnces of the best veins [Eunpen] this vnwashte & tempe
them well together [Ewo howevs] before the agooe fitt
commeth [eevide] the quantitye of stuffe & lay it equally
so both the [wuises] at the place wher the [ powlls beaten ]
& with a linnen cloth so fasten on to the wriste, that
none of the stuffe may come out, so let it lye too fowr
and twentye howers & if it doth not drine away the
agooe at once [dressinge vsste it to the second time]
& it will healpe you, for it hath cured many.
The juce of smaledge dronke in possett Ale first
& last is very good to remoue any agooe.
{"}A present and espetiall good medicine for
the Blacke or yellow faudies.

Take a pottell of stronge ale & one handfull of hous=
snayles beate them well & put them into the ale and then
set them to boyle & as thay boyle [skume] them & put into
it a good quantitye of whole cloues & two or thre
blades of mace & a prettye quantitye of [safarne] &
a good quantitye of hartes horne scraped & so boyle
it one halfe away & then streyne it & in the morning,
[srist & last let the fike peusous drinke agooe drawfte,
thesof & by good healpe it will cure them in fortetime]

{"}An excelent good way to make cakes for
one that is in a consumption,

Take a good quantitye of yarrow & stampe it very
well in a cleane morter, then streyne it & temper the
Juce therof with some fine wheate flower & make paste
therof, then put in some reed rose water, some fine shuger
& a little sinamon & nutmegge & so make little cakes
therof & backe them in an oven with out burninge & then
vsse to eate them as often in a day as you can the more
the better & the soner it will healpe you.
{"}A very good oyntment for the Jtche.
Take thre unces of Sulpher vivd brused as smale as
flower, thre peni worth of camphire sliced very thinne
sixtene or eyghteene almonds blanched & beate in amorter
very smale with a peni worth of white rose water, worke
all this very well together with a quarter of a pound of
[barrowes greace], but let it not come neare the fier &
when it is well done [reseine] it in a pott for your [vfo]
[] you will [vsfe] it you must bathe it in very well before
[ther is neae.]

{"}A good drinke to be taken at the springe or {40}
the fall of the leafe to purge away fleamge
coller or any other bad humors.

Take six vnces of [Sceonæ] of Alexandria one vuce of
[maicoican] brushed one gter of an vnce of Ageet sliced
thre vnces of [hermadactalus] sliced fowr vnces of Ani seeds
brushed, two vnces of bay berries the huskes taken of & then
brushed one vnce of licoras sliced fowr vnces of french
[barlee] whole, two nutmegges sliced tooe peni worth of cloues
& mace whole one vace of ginger sliced, All thes must
be compounded together & put into a linnen bagge with
a peece of leade that it may sinke to the bottome then putt
it into an earthen pott that hath a [spikett] in it & put then
vnto thre gallons of new ale so let it stand two dayes, then {=}
drawe & drinke therof a good drawfte in the morninge
fastinge & an other one hower or two after dinner & as
after els as you shall have cawse.
{"}A very good medicine to keape the foreheade from
wrinckelinge & to take them away
Take a quarter of a pound of the purest white virgine
wax one vnce & a halfe of white parma [sitye], halfe an
vnce & som what more of the white deere suet scrape all
thes into a very fayre pewter dishe & cover it very close
that no smoke get in, then set it over a pott of sethinge
water vntill it be melted then take some very fine holland
& cut it into peces of the bignes you wowld have them
then dippe them into the stuffe vntill all be consumed, then
dreyne them one after the other before a cleare fier vntill
thay looke in all places cleare alike, then smoth them & when
thay be smoth take a peece of deere suett & rubbe them all
over then take a slicke stone & slicke them excedingly on
both sides, when you will vsse them a little warme them &
lay them close to the places all night. vsted by my la: Riche
{"}A good medicines to kill cornes
Take the water of an oyster & seeth in it the second parte
of an oynion untill it be very tender then lay it to the corne
& it will kill it.
olso take houslike & take of the vppermost skine & lay
it to the corne & it will ease in one night.
{"} An excelent medicine for the runninge
of the Reynes.
Take a good handfull of the inward barke of slow bushe
the vppermost blacke barke beinge cleane taken of &
then seeth the same in a quarte of pure ale vntill it do
come to a [pinle & lesste], then take it from the fier & streyn
it & drinke the halfe therof fastinge blood warme & the
rest the next day in like sorle & by gods healpe this
will cure you sone without fayle.
{"} An other excelent medicine for the same.
Take a good handfull of neppe & tampe & strayne it
& put the nice therof into a pinte of new milke whole
from the cowe & so drinke it blood warme morninges & even
inges fastinge & so vsse it two or thre dayes together & it
will by gods grace cure you quickly.

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