62 A medicine for the pearle or webbe in the Eye 1
Take a good handfull of daysies, thre or fowr leaves of grounde Ivye
stampe thes together, streyne it & with Iuce therof let the eye be
To breake a pearle or webb or other thicke humor
growinge in the Eye: 2.
Take fine Case ginger grated & put ^it in a sawcer halfe full or lesse
of good rose water, annoynte the eye therwith when you goe to bedde:
A good medicine for a pinne or webbe in the Eye: 3
Take a good quantitye of reed fenell, as much Salendine, as much
Vervine, stampe & streyne them to the quantitye of a sawcerfull then
take pure honney the quantitye of tooe walnuttes & let it dissolue in
the same liquor & usse to put the same liquour into soore eyes goinge
to bedd with a feather & so rest vppon it, & at thre dayes end take a
new layde egge & put out all the meate & put into it the iuce of
the yearbs affore sayde, & put therin olso a little white Coppres to the
quantitye of a beane or leasse & vsse to dresse the eyes therwith &
at every thirde dayes end change it:
An other for the Eye when it is bloodshotten ether
thicke or els growen to pearle or webbe or any evell
Dissease that Commeth of watry or any other evell humor: 4.
Take a new layde egge & put out the yolke & leave a good quantity
of white in the shell, then put fayre runninge water into the shell
& almost fill it vpp, then put a good quantitye of white Copres beate
very smale into it, seeth thes alltogether in the egge shell amongst the
imbers or smale cooles vntill it consume the halfe or third parte, then
cole it vntill it be but blood warme & washe your eye with the same
with a feather when you goe to bedd, but you must not dresse it to
often for it must haue a time to heale & when it waxeth Corrupte
agayne dresse it once in tooe or thre dayes:
Another Medicine for a Stroke in the Eye 5
Take the Iuce of Smalledge & of fenell & the white of an egge, mixe
them well together & lay therof to the eye:
A medicine to Clarifye the Eyesighte 6.
Take the gawles of swine, of an eele, & of a cocke, temper them well
together with honney & fayre water & keape it in a cleane glasse, for
your vsse: when you have neade annoynte the eyes therwith:
{The End of Mrs Ver ams medicins}An other for Eyes that be bloodshott: 7.
Take five leaued grasse, & stampe it with swines greace & a little
salte & binde it to the eyes:
For a Consumption
{+} Take a pottle of goates milke, a quarter of a pounde of Synamonde broken in peeces,
a quarter of a pounde of dates (the stones pulled out & a handfull of redd oken buddes,
still all thes together in a still; drinke it in the morninge & at night w th a little
suger, & it will helpe the patient:
An other for a Consumption: 8.
Take a smale quantitie of Clarye, as mutch fine planten, & twise so much Comfrey, of
knottgras as much, washe them fayre & drye them in a clothe, then shred them very smale
& mingle thes herbes w th the whites & youlkes of two eggs: season it w th salt if you will,
in sixe sponefulls of mylke, then frye it w th sweete butter, then Eate it, & forbeare
drynke halfe an howre, yf you Can:
An other excellent & approved
restoratiue for a Consumption: 1.
Take of Aquavite strongly distilled a pinte, or what quantitie you shall thinke reasonable put
it into a pott or glasse w th a wyde wouthe, put therto as much ripe strawberyes as may be
well covered w th this aquavite: this done Cover yo r pott or glasse wherin the same is w th
a peece of leather, & tye it on close & fast, let it stand 40 howres so, then through a strayner
let the aquavite passe so longe as it will runne, with out pressing or forsing the same: this
Done, put that w ch rann through into the same pott or glasse wher it was, & sett therto
more fresh strawberies as much as the same aquavite will Cover & let it stand as
before; doe thus three or fower tymes w th this a aquavite, & once aweeke take agood sponefull
fastinge mingled w th the powder of suger Candy; not eatinge nor drinkinge in two howers
after at leaste; when the strawberyes haue yelded so much of the quantitie as will from
them: you must crushe out theire Iuice & keepe it in a vessell by it selfe, & therof nowe &
then take asponefull as of the other, but it will not laste so longe as the other; & is
more fitt for sommer:
To make salves for all soares 2.
Take Rasond half apounde, & fower sponefulls of fresh barrowes grease, boyle it together very
softely, then take it off & when it is almoste coulde, put into it an ownce of turpentyne
& beate them well together till it be coulde: & when you would dress any wounde, laye
this salve p vppon lynte, & so sett it on the sore, & dresse it twise a day; & if you will
haue it heale sooner, put as much waxe as Rason.
for an ache in the Backe 3.
Take Egremony & mouse Eare, stampe it & temper them w
Barrowes grease, & make therof a playster, & lay it hott to the Backe:
An other approved medicine for ache
in any parte of the Bodye 4.
Take three sponefulls of Aquavite, & as muche of muskedyne make a mixture of these in
a sawser, & warme it on a fewe coles, this done w th a fyne lynnen clothe annoynte the place
wher the ache is as hott as euer you can suffer it; Vse this euery morninge &
Eveninge, for it will expell the ache: probatu :
for weakenes in the Backe: 5.
Take knottgrass, budds of oake & younge oaken leaves, Clarye & Comfrey, distill them
together; & afterward sett it in glasses: take thre sponefulls at a tyme ^every morninge
& Eveninge:
for wormes in Children 6.
Take fresh butter vnsalted, then take wallnvtt leaves, peache leaves, sentorye & worme-
=woode, shred it small & boyle it in the butter aforesayd till it looke very greene, when
it is boyled, put to it asponefull of the gaull of an oxe & so keepe it in a pott
for your vse:
A water for melanchollye 7.
Take Rosemarye flowers, & the leaves of Baulme, the stickes of synamon, broken smale,
laye them in a lynnen lymbecke, a layinge of Rosemary & Baulme, & a layinge of
Synamon, still it allmoste full of white wyne, let the Synamon be moste, it wilbe
pleasant to drinke w t wyne or of it selfe:
for the Collicke & the stone. 8.
Take the distilled water of mallowes ij
umbers, & gowrdes the ryndes taken awaye of eache one dramme of the kernells of peaches
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