Minutes of the Club Council Jan. 11-1911.
The Council met with Mrs. Crosby Dawkins.
Meeting called to order by the President.
Present were, Mrs. Cay, Mrs. Dawkins,
Mrs. Aaron Levy, Mrs. George Greenhow,
Mrs. Fred Ruege, Mrs. W. E. Lewis.
Minutes of the previosu meeting were
read and approved.
Treas. Report.
Treas. reported $90.02 in Bank.
$3.00 dues rec'd and $12.00 Rent for Garage.
Wayne Sq.
Mrs. Greenhow reported a refusal of
the City Council to grant $5.00 for mo.
for keeping this Square clean.
Boulevard Park.
Mrs. Lewis reported $33.10 in Bank.
Pavement fund $159,42
Delinquent Notices.
Mrs. Levy proposed that the Sec. notify
all members in arrears with their
New Mem.
Two new members were rec'd.
Miss Tatum presented the name of
Mrs. James Oliver Wright - endorsed by
Mrs. Felkel and Mrs. Cay.
Mrs. Dawkins presented the name of
Miss Fenton Davis - endorsed by
Mrs. P. T. Mickler and Mrs. Greenhow.
No further business - meeting
Mrs. Fred Ruege, Sec.
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