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[image of shield] Womans Club Council RECORD May minutes 1909

Last edit 13 days ago by Chrisandgis
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Minutes of the Womans Club Council June (overwritten by May), 1909 Constitution and By-Laws Page 100. Committees, Page 99. Roll call, Page 98 (crossed out) 99 Roll Call for 1916, Page 100. Roll Call for 1917 Page 96.

Last edit almost 2 years ago by p.mcdow
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May 12th, 1909 Minutes of Club Council The regular business meeting of the "Club Council" was held on the morning of May, 12th at the residence of Mrs. Shackleford. Mrs. Cay presiding. Those present were Mesdames Cay, Shackleford, Lewis, Dawkins, Levy and Miss Blake. Minutes of last meeting were read and approved. Treas. Report Treasurer reported $58.02 in First Nat. Bank, including $674.20 from Facing the Music, and $515.75 in savings Bank, for Club House Lot Fund. Finance Com. Mrs. Dawkins reported $54.20 as net proceeds from the play, Facing the Music, given by the Dramatic Club for the Womans Club. [missing]aw Concert Mrs. Cay reported after the expenses of $22.50 were paid for the Ellen Beach Yaw concert, the club is still in debt for $11.10 Kindergarten Teacher Mrs. Shackleford reported that the kinder garten teacher, Miss McConnell will not return, she suggested the name of Miss Rowe. Resolved that Mrs. Shackleford communicate with Miss Rowe in view of having her take charge of the kindergarten for next year. Civic Com. Mrs. Felkel not being present, her Report was read by Mrs. Shackleford which stated a meeting with some members of the Civic Committee and Mr. Geo. Perkins, by appointment. Mr. Perkins said the City Council refuses to give money for Cemetery work to any but an incorporated organization known as a Cemetery organization. After discussion, resolved, to place this matter before the Club. [missing] in filled. Mrs. Shackleford suggested that the vacancy in the Council caused by the absence abroad of Miss Mary Lewis be filled. Moved and seconded that this vacancy be filled.

Last edit 12 days ago by Chrisandgis
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May 12/1909 Minutes of Club Council. Mrs. Shackleford suggested the name of Mrs. Ninthorp which was accepted. New Members. Mesdames Diamond, Felkel and Miss Tatrina presented the name of Mrs. Day J. Apte, and Mesdames Dawkins, [Nicou] and Rise presented the name of Mrs. Herinberger, who were unanimously elected as mem bers of the club. No further business moved and seconded that the meeting adjourned to meet second Wednesday in June at Mrs. Shackleford. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Aarin Levy. June 9/09 No meeting in June, no quorum present. July, 7th. The regular business meeting of the Womans Club Council was held at the residence of Mrs T.M. Shacklefords on the morn of July 7th. Mrs. Cay presiding, those present were Mesdames Cay, Shackleford, Felkel, Gamble and Levy. Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved. Mrs. Gamble, chairman of Club House Committee reported what she would leave the city for the heated term, Mrs. Levy was appointed chairman pro term. No further business, council adjourned to meet the second Wed. in August at Mrs. Shacklefords. Respectfully submitted, Mrs. Aarin Levy. Secretary.

Last edit 12 days ago by Chrisandgis
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Aug. 11th 09 Minutes of Club Council The regular business meeting of the club Council was held on the morning of Aug 11th 09. at the residence of Mrs Shackleford The President being out of the city, Mrs. Felkel presided. Those present were Mesdames Felkel, Shackleford Lewis, Dawkins, Levy & Miss Blake. Minutes of last meeting were read and [tick in column] approved.

Treas. report Treasurer reported $900. in State Savings Bank subject to the order of Mr. W. C. Lewis as first payment on Club House Lot and $18.42 in First National Bank.

[?chool] Bldg. A Committee Composed of Mesdames Barber, Roege, Smith, Felkel, Byars, Dunn and Holliway with Mrs Felkel as chairman, were appointed to see about cleaning the public school building. Mrs Felkel, charman of Civic Com. spoke of petitions sent to City Council. Moved by Mrs. Dawkins & seconded that a committee be appointed to see about the proper rent to ask for building in Club House Lot. The Chair appointed Mrs. Shackleford, Mrs Hodges sent in her resignation as Chairman of Kindergarten Com. and Mrs Moor sent in her resignation as Chairman of High School Com, owing to ill health. Mrs. Byars was appointed Chairman of High School Com and Mrs Shackleford as Chairman of Kindergarten Com. No further business Moved to adjourn to meet second Wed. in Sept at Mrs Shacklesfords.

Respectfully Submitted, Mrs. Aarin Levy Sec.

8th 09. No meeting of Council owing to not having a quorum present.

Last edit 12 days ago by Chrisandgis
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