Page 5



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dangerous rock Island
flatt in first appearance
Rises high. keep left side
there is a small channel
to the right & here day breaks
saw an Indian
on the right hand channel

# Oct 3d
above the rock a few miles
is an Island which leaves
to the left hand & runs close
to the right 3 more small
which Leave to the Left. a forth
Isle first appearance of them is a
small one the next which appear
to Join is narrow. as you may
see when at the lower and these
leave to your left hand and
another small one also
these will appear a [flatt?]
Gravelly one you must leave
round the last & keep the last
to the right there is too
channels to appear and when
you first get in sight of
this I. but the right hand
one is very [short? steep?] the

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Lucio Alvarez

I. = Island