



Status: Complete

Monday April 25th 1859

First part strong breeze from the SSE. at day-
light made sail to double reefed topsails and
foresail steering ENE. at 6 blowing fresh. took in
topsail. Mid part strong breeze and squally
with snow and rain. under double reefed topsails
and foresail. steering ENE. Latter part good
breeze from SE. laying by the wind. heading ENE.
Latt 57"16 Long 145"20 W.

Tuesday April 26th

whale tail First part made sail steering NE.
good breeze from the SSE. squally
with hail and snow. Mid part saw
several Wight Whale. lowered and chased. it
being rugged the whales going fast did not
get near came on board took in sail to
doublereefed maintopsail and foresail. lay
by the wind heading WNW. fresh breeze
from SW. several Whale in sight. Latter
part wind SW. squals of hail and snow.
wore ship heading SSE. so ends in
Latt 57"24 Long 142"13.

Wednesday April 27th

whale tail with dotted line leading from it
First part good breeze from SW. at daylight
made sail. steering by the wind. heading SSE.
Mid part saw a Whale. lowered and chased.
Did not get fast. came on board. the Whale bound
to Northward and Eastward. Kept ship after it.
Latter part strong breeze from the SW and
squals of rain and snow. laying by the wind.
quater watches. so ends in
Latt 57"48 N Long 142"22 W.

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