Whaling logs held at the East Hampton Library's Long Island Collection.
Whaling Log of the Ship France, 1838-1840
182 pages: 89% complete (90% transcribed, 1% needs review)
Acasta Whaling Log, 1830-1831
Some pages still need work. Help out!
167 pages: 4% complete (8% transcribed, 3% needs review)
Day Book of George Mulford and Whaling Log of the Nimrod
Some pages still need work. Help out!
58 pages: 5% complete (10% transcribed, 5% needs review)
Jacob Strong, Whaling Log of the Henry, 1845-1846
Some pages still need work. Help out!
66 pages: 36% complete (75% transcribed, 39% needs review)
Log Book Hannibal and Marcus, 1822-1825
Some pages still need work. Help out!
100 pages: 12% complete (14% transcribed, 2% needs review)
Log Book of the Ship Daniel Webster, 1833-1834, 1837-1838
188 pages: 85% complete (100% transcribed, 15% needs review)
Log Book Ship Nimrod, 1833-1835
Some pages still need work. Help out!
255 pages: 60% complete (66% transcribed, 5% needs review)
Log of the Bark Nimrod, 1851-1855
Some pages still need work. Help out!
158 pages: 49% complete (50% transcribed, 1% needs review)