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other person or persons whatsoever, for us or in our name or for our
Cause, meanes or procurement, And without any money or other things
[insert] to bee yeilded paid or done onely for the said land to us or our heirs
for ever, and Shall Justifie the the possession of this foresaid land by
these said inhabitants of Easthampton, against any shall Question
their proprietie in the Same, know yee allsoe that this is not only the
Deede of mee the Suncf Squa & wionkombone Sachem, but alsoe the
act and deede of all our associates & Subiects who have hadd . .
formally any propriety in the foresaid land. They haveing many - [manifested]
- fessted their Consent freely by a vote not one Contradicting the
same, as alsoe with the Consent of Mr. Lion Gardiner & Mr David
Gardiner whom the deseased father left as oversseers & Guardians of
the foresaid wionkombone Sachem: Know yee alsoe that for the Securinge
of the Easterne part Montaukut land which the Indians are to live
upon: that the Inhabitantsof the foresaid Easthampton shall from
time to time keepe up a ssuficient fence upon the North side of the
foresaid pond, & the Indians are to secure the South side of the
foresaid pond from all cattell dureing the tyme their corn is upon
the ground: and then Easthampton Cattell Shall have libertie
Eastward according to former agreements: and that the Indians of
Montaukut Shall have libertie if they see cause to Sett their houses
upon Montaukut land westward of the said pond, and to have fire-
wood time to time on the foresaid land, know alsoe that
what ever Cannoe or Deere Shall rome a Shore on the North Side
of any part of Montauket land, Easthampton Inhabitants Shall not
hinder the Sachem of them: And wheras the deseaced Sachem in his
life freely gave to Mr Lion Gardiner, and Mr Thomas James . .
what whales should att any time bee cast upon Montakut land
as alsoe confirmed by mee Sunk Squa & wionkombone Sachem Since
and the rest of our associates, which not being minded when for-
mer agreements was made: I Sunk Squa & alsoe I wionkombone
Sachem together with our associates doe freely give to the said Lion
Gardiner & Thomas James to bee Equally divided betweene
them. The first whale Shall bee cast uppon Montakut land
to them and their heirs or assigns for ever wee give the one halfe
of all such whales as shall bee cast uppon Montaukut land & the
other halfe to bee devided by the Inhaitants of Easthampton
for ever know yee alsoe that as the said inhabitants of Easthampton
Stand Ingaged to us for pay for that land Eastward of the forsaid pond
Soe wee alsoe stand Engaged neither directly nor Indirectly to give
let or Sell any part of that land without consent of Easthampton . . .
Know yee alsoe that if at any time hereafter if Either through sicknes or
or warr or any other means it Shall come to passe that the Indians
belonging to Montakut bee taken away soe that it Shall not bee
Safe for them to Continue there: that then those that Survive
Shall have libertie to come to Easthampton for shelter and be there
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