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Bee it knowne unto all men by these patents that I the Sunk Squa of Montaukut
wife of Wiandanch of late years deceased, & all for I Wionkombone, Some of the
foresaid deseased partie, Sachem of Long Illeand Together with [Foffatoun] Cheifs
Counsellor & the rest of [the] trusty Counsellors & associates, Send greeting:
Know yee that whereas there was a full & firme Indenture made betwene Mr
Thomas Barker Mr RobertBond Mr Thomas James Mr Lion Gardiner Mr John
Mulford: John Hand Ben:[]xine: Together with their associated the Inhabitants
of Easthampton uppon Long Islland the one partie, and I Sunk's Squa, & all for me
wionkombone with the full Consent of my Counssellers & Servants as allso of my
Two guardians left by my Deceased fatherviz Mr. Lion Gardiner of Easthampton
and Mr David Gardiner of the Islle of wightthe otherpartie, my year of the lord
one Thousand Six hundred [Seventie] uppon the sixt day of August: wherby we did
ffully & firmlly sell unto the Said parties: our [] of land Called Montaukut . .
from Sea to Sea from the utmost end of the neck Eastwand Called Wompenamit to our,
utmost bounds westward caled napeafe with all privelges & appurtinances . .
belonging to the same upon conditions there & then Specified in the fore[said] Indenture
and a counterbond bearing the Same date signed & sealed to us By the fore[said] parties
Inhabitants of Easthampton, by vertue of which counterbond wee hadd fre libertie
granted: if wee see cause, to sitt downe againe upon the said land, This being the
full purpose of us the Sunk's Squa & of Wionkombone Sachem Together with our
associates in Convenient time to Sitt Downe to live at the Said Montaukut: Knowe yee
allsoe that whereas of late yeeres there having beene Sore Disstres & calamit[ie]
befalne us, by reson of the cruell opposition & violence of our most Deadly enemi
Nimeecraft Sachem of Narrhigganset, whose Cruellty hath proceeded soe farr as
to take away the lives of many of the deare friends & relations [soe the] [...........]
forced to flee from the said Montaukut for Shelter to our beloved friends & neighbo[rs]
of Easthampton, whom we found to bee friendly in our Disstres, And whom wee
must ever owne & acknowledge as intruments under god for the preservation our
lives & the lives of our wives, & Children to this day: & of the land of Montauket
from the hands of our Enemies, And Since our comming amongst them the releiveng
of us in our extrmities from time to time, And now at last wee find the said Inhabi-
tants of Easthampton our deliverers Cordiall, & faithfull in their former convenents
Leaving us freely to our owne libertie to goe or stay being readie to performe all
Conditions of the love which wee have & doebare unto these our trustie
Consideratiom of the love which wee have & doe bare unto these our trustie
& beloved friends of Easthampton, upon our own free & voluntarie motion have
given & graunted & by thes presents doe give & graunt & confirme unto these
our friends the Inhabitants of Easthampton (Excepting Such as have ...
Exempted themselves from the former aggrements, & shall from this our
graunt, All that peice or neck of land belonging to montaukut land westward
to a fresh pond in a beach on this side westward to that place where the
ould Indian fort stoode on the other side Eastward to the new fort that is yet
Standing: The name of the pond being Quaunontowanf, on the North and
Lonfhonganik on the South, Together with all , Together with all privelledges and appurtenamces
belonging to the foresaid land from South to North. To have & to hold the same
as free Commonage to be ordered & disposed of for the benifit of the aforesaid
Inhabitants of Easthampton themselves their heirs administrat[ors] execute[ors]
and assignes for ever: To possess the same freely & quietlie without
any matter of Challeng Clayme or demand of us the said Sunk Squa and
Wionkombone Sachem or our associates or of any
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