Pages That Mention Hindostan
Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.
p. 136
are ashore in Garden Reach & one sunk a little beloow below the Garden House, with it is to be feared loss of life. The steamer "Bengal" is high & dry opposite the Peninsular & Oriental Companys moorings, the "Nubia" is dismasted & the "Nemesis" adrift. The old "Hindostan" which was used as a Hulk & Floating church, sunk this morning, it appears that having broken adrift she fouled the "Nemesis" doin her damage & finally rolling over & over went down opposite the King of Oude's house. The ships that foundered are as far as we can learn the "Lady Franklin" "Govindpore" "Asemia" "Anne Royden", "Loo Choo" "Vespasian" "Ville de St Denis" "Merrie England"; the tug steamers "Hercules" "Fire Queen" "Banshee" "Satellite" & "Linnet" & the Hindustan The "Moulmein" which was generally supposed to have been lost, is adrift. Great loss of life it is to be feared, has attended these founderings. Many European sailors were to be seen, during the gale floating down the river on pieces of wreck & we have heard the num- ber lost estimated as high as three hundred but this we are unwilling to believe. A man named Cleary whose heroism should be handsomely rewarded