Pages That Mention Iquique
Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.
p. 120
April 26th continued PM Strong breeze at ESE & cloudy at 1 passed & signalled the Russian barque "Meridian" from Iqueque Iquique to Falmouth 97 days out standing on the other tack to the Sd [Southward] at 3 In Main Top gallt [gallant] sail at 5 set the Main Top gt [gallant] sl [sail] at 9 Moderate at SE by S & dark overcast weather set Fore & Mizen [Mizzen] Top gallt [gallant] sls [sails]
April 27th
am Moderate wind at SE & cloudy Wr [weather] daylight set the Royals &c. signalled the English ship Pt 3rd 7268 to London 9 days out standg [standing] as ourselves at 8 thick fog 8.30 fog clearing off. Tacked to SSEd [SSEastward] wind East at 10.30 Passed a barque on the other tack. Noon Fresh wind at ESEd [ESEastward] fine Wr [weather] Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed 48.23 N Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 14.57 W Course N 40 E 60 miles Bar [Barometer] 29.86 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.96 Ther [Thermometer] air 60 water 55 [Lizard?] N 76 E 396 miles distant