Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Renown

Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.

p. 72
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p. 72

Clarence from Calcutta to Demerara Decr [December] 20th 1864

at daylight weighed & proceeded down the river in tow of the "Alexandra" at 7.18 passed [atchepore?] at 9.45 passed Diamond Harbour at 11 passed Mr. Greens ship the "Renown" being towed up the River at Noon crossed the Rangafullah at 1 Passed through Bedfords Channel at 5.30 anchored in Sangor in 6 1/2 fms [fathoms] & veered to 30 fms [fathoms] Sangor Light house NE by N.

Decr [December] 21st

at 5 weighed & proceeded in tow of the "Alexandra" through the Gaspar Channel, & made all sail (plain) at 10 Cast off the steamer & Mr. Fosbery Pilot left the ship. Noon light NE wind & fine weather. Outer Floating light NE 10 Latde [Latitude] 20.56 No Londe [Longitude] 88.8 E PM Moderate NE wind carrying all sail all the Port studg [studding] sls [sails]

Last edit about 4 years ago by donna29
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