Pages That Mention Jiddah (Saudi Arabia)
Abstract log of the E. I. Ship Clarence, 1864-1891.
p. 67
October 10th
am Light Eastly [Easterly] airs & calms at 7 Light breeze at SSE wore ship NEd [NEastward] "Hengist" in Co [company] on the lee quarter. at 8 Smart squalls at East with rain. Signalled the ship "Aties -- Rahoman" from Jedda to Calcutta Noon Breeze unsteady at ESE & showery Latde [Latitude] obsb [observed] 20.30 No Londe [Longitude] Chr [Chronometer] 87.41 E Course N 17 E 23 miles Bar [Barometer] 29.90 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.76 Ther [Thermometer] 81 PM Light SE & ESE winds 4 & 5 kts [knots] set [?] Top Mt [Mast] & Lower studg [studding] sls [sails]. Midt [Midnight] [?] bottom w [with] 45 fms [fathoms]
October 11th
am Light SW wind & fine 5 at 4 sounded in 50 fms [fathoms] at 6 wind West & WNW at 7 saw vessels at anchor about the Pilot station Bg [Bearing] North at 9 Tkd [Tacked] Westd [Westward] at 10.30 Tkd [Tacked] NNEd [NNEastward] Noon light NW wind & fine strong set to SWd [SWestward] Latde [Latitude] obsd [observed] 20.55 No Londe [Longitude] 88.14 E Course N 51 E 40 miles Bar [Barometer] 29.92 Sympr [Sympiesometer] 29.73 Ther [Thermometer] 81