Pages That Mention Garolla Place names identified
P. 37 Incomiciando dalmeridionale lito delmare inssulla stretta boccha che miglia sedici elargho ilchanale eadongni parte monte erocche sta laccitta disetta laqual sale sei giorni agrecho disopra amoroccha ealtretanto adirinpetto adessa permezzo di lagran cipta difessa
Disotto asetta forse mille miglia giu per quellito sapocha notizia dandarvi luomo dirado siconsiglia ne perdiletto ne peravarizia egia ne furono chepermaraviglia vollono passare piu voltre echontrestizia diloro eddiloro giente fertalgita chemai poy non siseppe dilor vita
In quelle mille miglia dimarina verso libecco truovi prima arzilla poy laracha leassai vicina salle poy seghue che unabuona villa unfiume cheallato lechonfina chedalmonte atalante sidistilla permezzo fessa passa ecientocinquanta miglia ainsinola easetta altretanta
[Initial: Two-line decorated capital letter "I" in blue with red pen flourishing (including harping and frogspawn) introduces the text, with a manicule in the margin.]
[Image: Right and lower margin, a map of the Straits of Gibraltar and the coasts of southern Spain (label: Spagnia) and northwest Africa oriented with east at the top. The map extends the entire length of the page on the right hand side. (label: Spagnia) appears at the top left, and the northwest coast of Africa runs lengthwise down the page. The Mediterranean Sea (label: Mare Meridiano) at the top flows into (label: Mare di Spagnia) at the bottom. The African coast is labeled top to bottom: (label: Septa), (label: Rabat), (label: Fessa), (label: Arzilla), (label: Meroe), (label: Laraccia), (label: Çamor), (label: Fassi), (label: Garolla). (label: Rabat) is illustrated by a tower, while (label: Fessa) and (label: Meroe) are represented as walled towns. A white flag flies above Meroe. The Canary Islands at the bottom of the page are labeled: (label: Lancilotto), (label: Fr***taria), (label: Canaria), and (label: Delinferno)—the last referring to Tenerife. Scribal notes directed the artist to paint them in particular colours. (Note: a) for white or alba appears on (label: Delinferno) and (label: Lancilotto); (note: Ro) for red or rosso appears on (label: Canaria).]