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Kenneth Spencer Research Library, Pryce MS P4 Place Names Identified

Page 45

Page 45

P. 45 Tral tarso et antiochecta dricta via Cipri isola infra mare sta discosta Un ciento miglia dove nicosia Cicta reale fra terra e/ famagosta Che fu gran porto di mercatantia Sul mare doriente e quella costa Dillysola girando e/ cinque cento E per lungheçça son miglia duciento Tralla lecha e/ tortosa ad oriente Lisosa decta guata la marina Et per dricta çona in ver ponente Guarda rodi e modon e poi messina Echalliu e maiorcha epoiseguente Vallença aportogallo et e/ vicina Famagosta abaruti per due .cc. Ensino allexandria per un .c. Dantrochecta arodi per quel vento Decto di sopra sanza costeggiare Ricto pileggio son miglia trecento Ma converracti due golfi lasciare Che sarrebbe piu longha da duciento Miglia la costa avolerla girare Nel primo e/ candeloro e desetelia Elaltro pare che quelli di matrisia

[Image: Right margin, oriented with East at the top, a portolan-style map of the northeastern part of the Mediterranean coast, which is freely outlined in ink and shaded with a green wash. The island of Cyprus (label: cipri.) appears near the top, washed light brown, with the cities of Famagusta (label: famagosta) and Nicosia (label: nicosia). Below that, the island of Rhodes (label: rodi) appears in red. Between the two islands, the Mediterranean Sea is named (label: pontus.). A distance line between the two islands is labeled in unidentified units (label: 300). To the right, two other numbers (labels: 200 and [700?]) are not associated with visible distance lines. Various ports are labeled along the coasts of modern Lebanon, Syria, and Turkey; starting from the southernmost port (the top right of the page) and moving north and west (counterclockwise), they are: Beirut (label: baruti), Tartus (label: tortosa), [Latakia/Laodiceia?] (label: la lecha), [Alajah?] (label: la laha), Tarsus (label: tarso), Corycus (label: curchio.), Polopoli (label: palopoli.), [?] (label: artiozetta.), Alanya (label: candelor), Antalya (label: satelia.), Fethiye (label: macri), and [Kastellorizo/Meyisti?] (label: messi).]

Last edit over 3 years ago by Laura K. Morreale LLC
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