Pages That Mention St Peter's
Diary of a trip on the Nile River, 1874-1875.
several busts in one columbarium. An inscription above each niche. I put my hand in a jar + lifted up some little pieces of charred bone. In one of these buildings was a collumn [column] ^in the centre with niches + two large niches where statues might have stood. On one side of it were painted doves +c. In the afternoon to St. Peter's but the best music was over before we got there.
Nov. 23 Monday As the king was to go in state to open the house of parliament we tried to get a stand for our carriage in the Piazza Colonna but was not allowed + as it was too cold for us to stand in the street gave it up. Drove to Caslettani's [ Castellani's] to see his jewelry, but he was on duty with the king. Went to the Bankers, saw Mr. Hooker, saw where Mrs. Spencer lived & looked at jewelry in that building + then at some of Anderson’s photographs. After lunch went to see the American church which is up to the top of the windows red brick + white stone. Inside columns of granite with little white columns lit in + resting on rosso antico below which is a blue[ish] marble. Santa Maria Maggiore, saw where Pio IX [Pope Pius IX] is to be buried before the high altar, descending to the place by stairs as before the baldichino [baldacchino] at St Peter's. To San Clemente, which was decorated & illuminated in honor of the saint, went down to