Correspondence with the Colonial Secretary's Office

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QSA847097 1883 Letter from Ernest Henry Carr to Colonial Secretary 14 July, Colonial Secretarys Office In Letters, In letter 83/3847, DR77947



[oval stamp, upper left margin] - COLONIAL SECRETARY'S OFFICE, - No. 3847 JULY 1883 QUEENSLAND. [circled] 17/83

[centred] Police.

[top right of page] Sub. Inspector Carr Police Office Barron River # July 14th 1883

Report on treatment, &c, of Aborigines @ #

The Honble The Colonial Secretary Brisbane


I have the honor to make the following report for your information, with regard to the Aborigines in this part of the Cook District.

According to your instructions I have used my best endeavours to get the different tribes under subjection without using harsh measures with them, and have so far succeeded that there are now several mobs in at the different townships and Stations in the district, all of whom seem peaceably disposed toward the white population and their property

There has now been no outrage committed in my district for the last six months with the exception of the murder of Mr Charles Desaley [sic] who was himself entirely to blame for his untimely end. The black who speared Mr Desaley [sic], has since been killed by his own tribe.

The expenditure up to the present time on the Walsh and Mitchell blacks has been comparatively small, as the owners of stations have in some instances borne part of the expense of feeding them. The

[written lengthwise in left margin] Acknowledge receipt & say that these reports should in future be made through the head of his department [signature] 28 Jul 83

[written diagonally, left margin] E. H. Carr 30 - 7 - 83. 1358

Last edit over 1 year ago by Queensland Frontier Conflict
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