Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention Broughton

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 276
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p. 276


Saturday Augt. 6th. 1859

at Waverly & I started for Kings X about 9. very cold in the train all night. Got into Edinr. about 9. Met Willie & Bob Auld at the train. Willie grown so tall I scarecly knew him. got home in a Cab. found all my traps but the large box My Father & Jessie at home. Mary got mar- ried yesterday. Robt. gone whale fishing. Fred gone on an excursion remained home all day chatting with my Father & Jessie Bob Auld & Willie wanted me to go up to Rail to meet Fred in the evg. did not go.

Sunday Augt. 7th. 1859.

Went to Broughton church this forenoon with Jessie a strange minister. Came home Bob called went to Trinity with . Mrs. T. Maria & Fred at home

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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