Pages That Mention Dungeness
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 271
hove the ship too about 10. Mr. & Mrs. Payne & Peterson went ashore (Mr. & Mrs.P without saying good bye) asked the boatmen to report us & Peterson had a telegraph message. Went on to Dungeness. A great number of Ships at Anchor outward bound head wind for them could not proceed out abreast of Dungeness about 2 ocl P.M. pilot Cutter came off two pilots in small boat with hats on well ducked. still beating all ships we come [a]cross beat Steamer which we have engaged for £40- to take us up the river 4 ocl in the downs. rounded the south foreland passes Dover saw the Coast of France Could see the people walking ashore at Dover & the Bating Machines with glass Dover Castle Breakwater &ce. 5.30