Travel Diaries and Journals

Pages That Mention McGregor

James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)

p. 202
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p. 202

bd. the "Octavia" one day reception not very Cordial by the Capt. asked after Taylor. settled down at Home. two or three troop Ships have arrived this week one to day 19th carried away jib & foretopmast very hot day Can scarcely sleep at night for Mosquitoes in spite of Curtains Dibbs & I went out in the Buggy last night called at R S T Hos. saw Ferris & then called on McGregor. promised to call on him sfter church to morrow & call on Mrs. Knott

Sunday Feby. 20th. 1859

Came into dock yesterday & here we are today boxed up between two walls. every thing has been taken out. Guns stores &ce went to St. Pauls church with Mr. Dibbs. went on bd. Called at McGs. & Mrs. Og. lodging

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
p. 203
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p. 203

after had dinner & went up to St. Pauls in the evg. again. Called at Dicey's. Asked to take tea with him after church went there met Mrs. D.

Monday Feby. 21st. 1859

Called on McGregor to day. sent a penc[?] to shew me Mrs. Ogilvies house. Met Bowen & Dibbs at the Exchange. had a rotten old Gharrie from Kedgeree. Called at Mrs. Ogilvies agreed to take a room. 80 Rs. a month. got my large box out of the ship & sent my Madras servant with it to my lodging with 2 coolies. Went up in the evg. with Dibbs in the Buggy. took quarters at Mrs. Ogilvies my traps did not arrive & made search all round about for them did not come had

Last edit over 2 years ago by Dendendaloom
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