Pages That Mention Saugor
James Adam diary: 1857-1863 (Ms. Codex 1948)
p. 190
at Singhgong
of the largest that has been killed in Sandoway. lay in the jungle three days after it was shot before it was found. very bad toothache all day.
Tuesday Jany. 25th. 1859
Left Singhgong at 1/2 past 6 [struck through: today] this mg. taking the Comrs. schooner in tow. Capt. brought word last night that the ''Nemesis" passed Saugor going to sea on the 13th. Made some Chemical Soap this Mg. to rub on the tigers skin. beautiful cool pleasant day. like a fine summer day in England Anchored at one ocl. off Ramree Creek Comrs. Schooner cast off & proceeded up the Creek to remain 2 days. remained on bd. all day.
Wednesday Jany. 26th. 1859
Up a little after 7. took Salt water bath. Cutter going up
p. 219
"Ivanhoe" at sea
==Thursday March 17th till Wednesday March 23rd]]==
During this time we had been working our way slowly out wards. took us four days down the river steamer left us at Saugor. been very comfortable on board teasing Lane the Leadsman & the little girls. Peterson & Lane good friends learning to play chess. Pilot left us two days ago. the last two days have been really calm. Played proverbs & Cross passport[?] Last evening till 10 oclock
Wednesday March 23rd. 1859
Up before sunrise dead calm not more than than 100 yards below sandheads as yet Peterson & Capt. bathed on deck had great toothache & swelled face for two or three days steeped